IRS Disclosures Confirm Flood of…

A Chicago-based nonprofit heavily funded by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg sent massive amounts of money to cities in key swing states for use in the 2020 election, IRS documents have revealed. The group claims that the money went to election offices to assist in ensuring Covid safety, though less than one percent of the total funds distributed went towards addressing anything directly Covid related. The group ultimately spent about $350 million.

Revealing IRS documentation

This is a good time to include a reminder that the 2020 election was not, in fact, stolen. The election was actually “fortified” by selfless leftists to ensure that the right people won.

One of those groups which was doing a great deal of fortifying was the Center for Technology and Civic Life, which describes its mission as the “modernizing” of elections in the United States.

The Washington Examiner, generally a conservative publication, apparently supports the group’s claim that it was going about this in a nonpartisan manner in 2020.

The Capital Research Center, another conservative organization, claims that this is untrue. CRC argues, using IRS records, that per capita the grants provided by the CTCL vastly favored Democrats.

These grants financed large numbers of drop-boxes for mail-in ballots, ostensibly to make it easier for voters to avoid crowds and vote safely with the pandemic going on.

The other angle here is that the group financed a far more decentralized ballot collection system which created far more opportunities for interference to occur undetected.

Private control of election infrastructure

A number of nonprofits pushed for early and mail-in voting before the 2020 election and some are still pressing states to keep the same decentralized system for future elections.

These supposedly Covid-related measures just happen to provide innumerable opportunities for someone to rig the vote in their city if they were so inclined.

Regardless of the motives of this particular nonprofit, and it is clearly a liberal group, isn’t it a bit concerning that billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg can privately fund their desired electoral reforms across the country?

IRS documentation may provide evidence for the extent to which this private group was able to influence how elections worked in certain areas but the issue will not receive any media coverage.

Presumably even most Democrats would be somewhat uncomfortable with the idea of Mark Zuckerberg and other billionaires being allowed to pour money into election infrastructure and supplant the government.

The party cannot risk undermining the results after dismissing every question as a conspiracy theory for the last year and so the IRS findings will quietly vanish and the CTCL will continue its work.

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