Antifa is going to think twice before setting foot in Yucaipa, California, again. Not every town in the Golden State is liberal. Local citizens didn’t wait for nanny state police. “They just beat the ever-loving snot out of three or four guys.”
When Antifa messes with the suburbs. Best thing I’ve ever seen.
— wakeup (@Just_Shannah) June 2, 2020
Antifa messed with the wrong town
According to conservative columnist Todd Starnes, “a small gang of Antifa thugs” tried to stir up trouble but they “messed with the wrong town.” They don’t like liberal agitators in Yucaipa, California. Not at all. Video shows half the town chasing the looters away.
“They just beat the ever-loving snot out of three or four guys,” an unknown videographer comments. “The Antifa guys are not doing well at all here. They’re getting the **** kicked out of them.” The crowd looted the shirt off one hoodlum’s back and he left a shoe behind as he was chased across a parking lot. “Hey homie,” a local resident yelled. “Here’s your shoe, dog.” The person filming noted, “You can’t come to Yucaipa with this ****.”
Another twitter fan posted, “Here in my hometown of Yucaipa Ca we deal with our own! Armed and posted protecting our city. Antifa was ran out of town as quickly as they came in.”
Conservatives fight back
Conservative homeowners in Yucaipa didn’t have to stoop to the low level of the liberals. Once the Antifa radicals were on the retreat, the town let them go. The video photographer can be heard saying, “We don’t need to follow them, They’ve had enough.”
Another neighbor notes that they may be able to get away with such antics in Minneapolis or New York, but “Conservatives are not latte-sipping, p*ssy hat-wearing wimps.” Suburbanites, BizpacReview writes, ” are legal gun owners who will fight to defend their families and homes.” Especially when “Democratic mayors and governors refuse to protect them.”
The right-facing citizens of Yucaipa aren’t about to let their town turn into a war zone. Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik still wants to know where his city’s police are. “New York City is burning! Where are you? Where is the New York state police?” They’re missing in action. “Badges?” They ask in Yucaipa. When it comes to Antifa, “we don’t need no steenking badges.”
Thats the way it should be in all cities.
Good job citizens in not allowing the fascist group ANTIFA to terrorize the citizenry. All cities and towns must realize that it is up to them to take care of the anti-American hoodlums when the officials (whom they elected) won’t.
The problem with the places that were taken over by A.N.T.I.F.A. / B.L.M. or social justice warriors…is they were run by commie/leftie democrat cowards, whose agenda was to allow chaos to take place in order for a breakdown to occur. Normal people are waking up to the fact that the left WANTs this breakdown to provide an incentive to allow socialism to save them from the frustration. It’s their trick…NAZI “brown shirts” did it in the 1930’s Germany, the Bolsheviks did it in 1917 Russia…it’s their MO. We have to be careful to keep it from becoming a civil war, because they want THAT too. It’s not going to be a quick fix, we have to vote out the communists and allow the police to do their job while electing mayors that bring in help instantly to quell riots.
If these bastards try to come into my area, they will not just get few punches and kicks, they will get shot.
Most of us are too old to hook and jab, but we are all well armed and know how to shoot.
Warning to BLM and Antifa: Come to my area and start your shit, you will be hauled out in a body bag.
Yucaipa California police its about time you put these idiots in their place, they have no respect
for the law and when you put them down they cry like babies. They are great on ganging up
on people when they are a mob. Hope the police Chief is proud of they way you handled them
I Know until our country wakes up and destroys the want a be communist lunatic who
don’t know what the hell they are doing, Its obvious the schools have molded them into
losers or the mentally ill where released from the hospitals due to funding. I was born in Red China and family lost everything and left in 1949 communist exterminated these type of fools
beat all the antifa/woke/blm terrorist down and make sure they don,t get up any time soon