
Subpoena Names Clarksburg ‘Angel of Death’

A federal grand jury subpoena has already been issued, naming the “Angel of Death” who stalked the corridors of Clarksburg, West Virginia’s VA Medical Center. After months of “deafening” silence, the move is heralded as a very “welcome start.” Actual charges are still likely weeks away but the “horrific” nature of the crimes could lead to the death penalty.

Subpoena called a welcome start

“The convening of a grand jury is good news and a welcome start. We hope it results in an indictment and an arrest,” attorney Tony O’Dell told reporters. A subpoena is even better. Up until now, “the government’s silence has been deafening.” He represents several of the families involved who are angry at having “to get information from news” instead of authorities.

The distraught families of nearly a dozen murdered veterans have been demanding answers but not getting any response. The combination of public outrage directed at the Veteran’s Administration and the “horrific” nature of the crimes prompted Attorney General William Barr to take a personal interest. When he did, the ball finally started rolling and a grand jury was impaneled.

The Attorney General “offered all the resources necessary for the investigation, and I am grateful for his support,” U.S. Attorney Bill Powell assures. “The investigation is ongoing and active. We have made this case a priority from the beginning and will continue to do so.”

Angel of Death

The overnight shift on floor 3A at the Louis A. Johnson VA Medical Center in Clarksburg had it’s very own Angel of Death, a nurse who made fatal injections of insulin a regular part of her nightly rounds. Despite a clear pattern of similarly suspicious deaths, hospital officials didn’t report it to anyone until June of 2018, after at least eight patients had died suspiciously. By then, they had been embalmed and buried. One veteran had already been cremated, along with the evidence.

Injections of insulin were given to patients whether they were diabetic or not. “It’s the night shift and he suffers a severe hypoglycemic event. The person of interest is all through his records. In fact, I believe she was as one-on-one sitter with him that night,” O’Dell said about the seventh victim who’s death was confirmed a homicide last week.

“The government knows, we know and the family knows the cause of death was a severe hypoglycemic event. The only thing that kept them from calling it a homicide was the inability to find the actual injection marks,” O’Dell argues, noting “the body had significantly decomposed before it was exhumed.”

Weeks if not months

While we’re seeing a whole lot more progress now than we have been since this story first broke, and the subpoena is really great news, the West Virginia grand jury will be meeting to review evidence “for weeks or months,” insiders told the Washington Post.

Former federal attorney William Ihlenfeld backs that up, explaining that “federal grand juries in the district typically meet one day every two months for a year to consider cases of virtually every stripe.” However, “special panels often meet more frequently, even several times a week, to focus exclusively on one investigation.” This is “one of the worst crimes I’ve ever heard of.”

“This is not going to be a grand jury that will meet on Tuesday, followed by the announcement of an indictment on Thursday,” he notes, “this could take months.” He said investigators will want to “dot all the I’s and cross all the T’s,” so it won’t get “ thrown out on any legal technicality.”

The good news is that after all is said and done, the suspect may get her dose of karma, the death penalty. “More than likely, you’ll have staff from the hospital, FBI agents and voluminous medical records to review for each and every victim. This could be classified as a death penalty case, so they (prosecutors) will need to get it right. This will take time.”

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