Kamala Harris COVID Minneapolis

Kamala Harris Defeated, Trump Celebrates

Kamala Harris has been dealt a fairly significant blow in her upcoming debate against Donald Trump.

Harris wanted to be permitted to bring notes as well as having the microphones remain live instead of being muted when the other candidate would be speaking.

Her rules changed to ABC News were denied, and Trump could not be more delighted.

Flipping the Script

All the rules currently in place were at the behest of Joe Biden, yet Harris is not trying to say that Trump is the weak one for not allowing her preferred changes.

Harris spokesperson Brian Fallon stated, “Our latest understanding is that even though Trump said Monday he would be fine with an unmuted mic, his handlers don’t trust him to spar live with VP Harris and are asking ABC to ignore Trump’s comments and keep the mics muted or else they will back out of the debate for a third time.

“We have been asked to accede to Trump’s handlers’ wishes on this point for the sake of preserving the debate.

“We find the Trump’s team’s stance to be weak, and remain in discussions with ABC on the final rules.”

Trump’s campaign responded, “The Harris folks are completely full of it.

“Everything was agreed to and set last week.

“The Harris people are trying to distract and come up with something shiny to move away from the fact that she’s not doing interviews.”

This is a big deal because Harris really wanted to catch Trump interrupting her so she could call him like she did Mike Pence in a 2020 vice presidential debate.

Like Biden, Harris also has a tendency to drift on a topic, so forcing her to have everything in her head and no notes to refer to is a big plus for Trump.

The debate is scheduled for September 10, and Harris’ camp insists it is still trying to get these new rules put in place.

So, don’t be surprised if Harris pulls out of the debate at the last second, knowing that if she loses that debate, she will probably lose the presidency.

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