Maxine Waters is one of those people that if you have been paying attention for long enough, you would be able to know that if she told you your name you should look at your driver’s license to check to make sure she isn’t lying.
All during Trump’s presidency, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), like many other high-profile Democrats, touted evidence of Trump’s collusion with Russia.
As the Durham probe found out, the only evidence was a paid dossier that was financed by Hillary.
All of a sudden, Waters, who craves the spotlight, it as quiet as a church mouse.
Silence is Golden
If this were a just world, every Democrat that guaranteed evidence would be removed from Congress.
They were all lying to the American people and do not deserve to serve.
In 2017, Waters had stated, “Here you have a president who I can tell you, I guarantee you, is in collusion with the Russians to undermine our democracy.”
That was a blatant lie.
The Durham probe found that the Trump investigation was based on “raw, unanalyzed and uncorroborated intelligence.”
Even the FBI lied, saying it had corroborated the evidence, which was clearly not the case.
Durham confirmed that, stating, “The Department did not adequately examine or question these materials and the motivations of those providing them, even when at about the same time the Director of the FBI and others learned of significant and potentially contrary intelligence.”
Waters, Pelosi, and Schiff… all three of them need to be removed.
Source: Fox News