
Biden Team Begins to Buckle, Joe Goes Off the Deep End

Biden keeps striking out at events set up to make him look like he’s in control. His administration called his latest press conference a “big boy” event, trying to make up for his terrible debate performance. He was over an hour late and used the outing to campaign against Trump, repeating things that were false for both of them before calling on reporters. Every public event is staged.


Biden needs a lot of help

There have been many accusations of having events completely staged, scripted and choreographed to avoid showing the cognitive decline. He actually opened up by saying he had a prepared list of reporters he was supposed to call on.

He had a NATO event just a couple hours earlier in which he mixed up the two Presidents Zelensky and Putin. In his press conference he did the same thing with two other people, Kamala Harris and Trump.

“I wouldn’t have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president did I think she’s not qualified to be president.” It was visible that the members of Biden’s cabinet were uncomfortable with that mistake.

Biden was furious at a reporter

One reporter asked if he thought global leaders thinking that he was unfit for office would be a problem for our country. The president snapped, “Did you see any damage of our standing in my leading this conference? Have you seen a more successful conference? What do you think?”

There have been reports of other Democrats encouraging the president to go to bed earlier and doing less. Biden denied them.

He then turned around and said what he just denied. He needs to “pace” himself more, which means doing less.

Jill Biden

Is giving the president grief for doing too much. He said he “catches hell” from the doctor.

After war broke out in the Middle East under his watch, he insisted his foreign policy was great and blamed it on Trump. But the war didn’t happen under Trump.

He won’t commit to taking a full neurological exam. His doctors have told him he’s “good”, even though Dr. Tom Pitts, a Democrat who is quadruple board certified in neurology in New York City has said he has Parkinson’s.

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