Our language has worked for years. You can only pretend for so long before somebody says the truth to your face. A trans activist got mad at a TV host for insisting she only sees one person when the activist demanded to be called plural. Shivani Dave is a journalist, broadcaster and physicist that was invited onto TalkTV to discuss a report on medical and social services for transgender children in England.
The trans bending language
The host Julia Hartley-Brewer knows Dave is a biological female so at the introduction Dave was called “she”. Dave was offended, demanding that “[her] pronouns are they/them.”
Hartley-Brewer was unwilling to pretend and knew her grammar. She fired back, “Thank you for telling me your pronouns. I use correct grammar.” The host also said speech shouldn’t be altered, “You don’t get to require me to use incorrect grammar. You’re not a plural, you’re one person.”
The trans wanted respect
Hartley-Brewer pointed out the grammar is right, sorry, and asked if it was “disrespectful to use factual correct grammar.” Dave wasn’t happy and said the host was out of line. Dave is “not a single woman. I’m a very special non-binary trans person.”
After that vent, Dave talked about a recent report on transgender health services done by Dr. Hilary Cass. The report is referred to as the Cass Review. It was commissioned by the NHS England in 2020 and spoke of provisions for children struggling with gender identity.
The trans activist
Might not have a leg to stand on. Cass mentioned there isn’t a lot of evidence of any benefit, long or short term, for puberty blockers. Long term maybe even detrimental and more research is needed.
Dave thought more research would be great and would help the progress of transgender healthcare. Some of the Cass conclusions could help “if implemented correctly”, although Dave didn’t elaborate on that.