If money is the mother’s milk of politics then indeed Trump can look forward to a landslide victory in 2020. On his birthday alone – just one day – the RNC and Trump campaign smashed their previous fundraising record of $10 million on Oct. 19, 2016. Republican contributions continue to easily eclipse Democrat related offerings. The American people continue to back somebody who gives them hope for the future even as the nation appears to be in such turmoil.
Trump is a businessman
Not a politician. That’s why he continues to do what he does. His love of the country and its founding is one of his driving forces.
That’s what scares the media and his opposition. You can’t buy him, you can’t scare him. In business alone he knows the dirty tricks that people can and will pull to push something in a particular favor.
As a business owner he is a master negotiator. He deals with people. A politician is only concerned with where their next vote is coming from. Trump has no such need so he gets things done, making career politicians look bad.
Trump misses the people that want the same thing he does
His campaign contributions came from average Americans. The average online donation was only $46. He probably has pledges from fellow business owners as well. They may have come in at a different time.
The Trump Train has started back up with scheduling sensitivity toward African Americans. He noticed the original date was important to that sector and changed it to the next day. He respects ALL Americans, not just the white ones.
The Democrats despise his power
And by extension, the power of the American people. Biden is hopelessly, haplessly flailing behind in fund raising as well as potential voters. Joe Biden and the DNC have $100 million in the bank.
“The grassroots support behind President Trump’s reelection is something no campaign has ever seen,” said Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale, “Just as more than a million people have registered for tickets to the President’s rally in Oklahoma this weekend, they are also donating to help his campaign in record numbers. There is an enthusiasm gap – it is real and it is wide. President Trump’s supporters would run through a brick wall to vote for him. Nobody is running through a brick wall for Joe Biden.”
Advisors have recommended Biden stay in his basement, out of the spotlight. Out of sight, out of mind?