Trump election voter fraud Georgia lawsuit

RNC Files MASSIVE Fraud Lawsuit Against THIS State

The Republican National Committee just filed a lawsuit in Georgia to increase election security and stop voter fraud in the upcoming Senate runoffs. Many Republicans are convinced that corrupt officials helped Democrats steal the presidential election from Trump. These two Senate seats are critical for the Republican party.

Republicans fighting for Trump

The Georgia lawsuit demands that Republican poll watchers be granted access to precincts so they can stop any potential fraud. They also demand stricter oversight of the use of drop boxes for absentee ballots.

“The legal right of political party committees to appoint poll watchers to observe the process was abridged in numerous polling and tabulation locations during the November 3, 2020 general election and subsequent recount,” the lawsuit says. “Upon information and belief, the same or substantially similar unlawful practices will resume in connection with the imminent January 5, 2021 runoff election.”

There were several instances where Republican poll watchers were unable to view the counting process. Most notably in Atlanta where Democrats lied about a water main break in order to evacuate the building.

Once the coast was clear, poll workers continued counting suspicious ballots for hours. Election officials are “statutorily required to ensure that county and municipal superintendents and registrars are properly and lawfully instructed on the rights of poll watchers and do not implement policies or procedures that impair their ability to fully and meaningfully observe the election process.”

The lawsuit claims that Georgia did not abide by the rules in regards to security and surveillance of drop boxes.

Republicans want the ballots monitored by camera and they want the entire chain of custody for all ballots to be recorded.

That way both parties can be confident that no voter fraud took place. “We must restore confidence in the integrity of our election,” Georgia Republican Party Chairman David Shafer said.

Voter fraud lawsuit in Georgia election

Texas also filed a lawsuit with the United States Supreme Court over alleged election fraud in the states of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton accused the defendants of exploiting “the COVID-19 pandemic to justify ignoring federal and state election laws and unlawfully enacting last-minute changes, thus skewing the results of the 2020 General Election.” It’s about time some of these Red states stand up and do what’s right.

The Georgia runoffs will determine which party will have control of the Senate. Republicans currently hold the majority by a single seat, so they can’t afford to lose either of these elections. The Democrats already control the House of Representatives. If Biden gets into the White House, the Left would have complete control. God help us all.

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