
Over 21,000 Dead People Are on PA Voter Rolls…Lawsuit Filed

Pennsylvania is infested with zombies. A lawsuit has been filed because apparently, they’re also allowed to vote. More than 21,000 corpses were eligible to cast a ballot for Joe Biden in the hotly contested state. For some strange reason, it seems that dead people always vote Democrat.

Dead people vote Democrat

Every day, more and more evidence is emerging which indicates that we had an election night of the living dead in Pennsylvania.

Zombies crawled out of their graves to cast a ballot for Biden, according to an official lawsuit filed on Thursday by the Public Interest Legal Foundation. “There are at least 21,000” zombies on the state of Pennsylvania’s voter rolls. That’s illegal and could influence the outcome of the presidential election.

Pennsylvania failed to “reasonably maintain” their voter registration records, under both federal and state law. “As of October 7, 2020,” the lawyers argue, “at least 9,212 registrants have been dead for at least five years.” another 1,990 registrants were worm food “for at least ten years,” and 197 registrants have already been uncovered who died at least twenty years ago. We still don’t know how many of them had their votes counted in the election because poll watchers weren’t allowed to see a single thing.

This outrageous injustice is exactly why President Donald Trump raised red flags over ballots being mailed willy-nilly to anyone on the voter rolls, living or dead.

Up until less than a month before “one of the most consequential general elections for federal officeholders in many years,” Pennsylvania listed more than 21,000 zombies on the voter rolls as eligible to cast a ballot.

Americans are outraged

Americans, at least the conservative patriotic ones, are furious over what happened. As Charlie Kirk tweeted, “Is this what a secure election looks like? Where is the DOJ?” Liberal progressives are of course thrilled.

They don’t see any problem with dead people stealing the election because it was stolen from Trump. “Laws?” they scoff, “Oh, they were debunked.” That was “when that Constitution thingie was around. Besides, zombies are cool. Let’s go burn down the police station.”

You don’t need brains to understand zombie voters are a no-no. “This case is about ensuring that those deceased registrants are not receiving ballots,” PILF President J. Christian Adams complains. “This case isn’t complicated.”

The votes of dead people aren’t supposed to get counted and he has been fighting for the past year to clean up the records ahead of time. For some strange reason, everyone fought back or dragged their feet. Now we know why. It looks a lot like an organized conspiracy and part of an overarching “insurrection.”

“For nearly a year, we’ve been offering specific data on deceased registrants to Pennsylvania officials for proper handling ahead of what was expected to be a tight outcome on Election Day.” When you go out of your way to mail a ballot to dead voters, it’s asking for trouble.

Send an invitation, and the zombies will show up en masse, as they apparently did. “When you push mail voting, your voter list maintenance mistakes made years ago will come back to haunt in the form of unnecessary recipients and nagging questions about unreturned or outstanding ballots.”

Judicial Watch separately sued Pennsylvania for allegedly having 800,000 inactive voters on their state voter rolls. That’s a huge number of potentially invalid and ineligible votes which can’t be counted.

  1. A Democrapic poll person swore that these Dead did not vote in Philadelphia that means they did so out in the Countryside. These dead are kind by keeping their STENCH out of the city. They like all the dead in Chicago and other places that went to Hitlery in 2016 had help voting Democrap even those who swore they NEVER would. But these are the first that showed manners by voting outside city limits.

  2. absolutely disgusting…but what can you expect when they mail PETS a ballot? demoncraps are evil, corrupt, lying, vile, sub-humans

  3. Hell dead people been voting for the delusional democrats for years now . They been doing this since the1800s so what’s the difference ??? We see dead people at the voting stations all the time . What .. you think there’s some kind of voters fraud going on ??? I mean really you think the delusional democrats would stoop so low as that ??? NO WAY . That’s if you belive the delusional democrats lies . They never do that right ??? Just like when they tryed to say trump fixed the elections with the Russians but they had no proff . But still wasted over a millon dollars trying to impeach trump . And they still say they didn’t lie about that either . When do we say it’s time to stop the corruption of the delusional democrats , how far do we let them go befor we wake up to the lies and corruption . We could use that money to help alot of our people instead of helping illegals and other countrys for the greed of the likes of the biden crime family . Not one word from the news stations about that either . It’s not going away . they still have to asker about that and their corruption . Way to much corruption going on in our government for me . When do we do something to stop it ??? After all old joe said himself that the delusional democrats have the best fraud voting system in our government , and it’s showing .

  4. Hell dead people been voting for the delusional democrats for years now . They been doing this since the1800s so what’s the difference ??? We see dead people at the voting stations all the time . What .. you think there’s some kind of voters fraud going on ??? I mean really you think the delusional democrats would stoop so low as that ??? NO WAY . That’s if you belive the delusional democrats lies . They never do that right ??? Just like when they tryed to say trump fixed the elections with the Russians but they had no proff . But still wasted over a millon dollars trying to impeach trump . And they still say they didn’t lie about that either . When do we say it’s time to stop the corruption of the delusional democrats , how far do we let them go befor we wake up to the lies and corruption . We could use that money to help alot of our people instead of helping illegals and other countrys for the greed of the likes of the biden crime family . Not one word from the news stations about that either . It’s not going away . they still have to answer about that and their corruption . Way to much corruption going on in our government for me . When do we do something to stop it ??? After all old joe said himself that the delusional democrats have the best fraud voting system in our government , and it’s showing .

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