
Absentee Ballot Counting Chaos ERUPTS

One excuse was concern about protestors looking in and taking pictures of people and ballots. Who’s to say the counters themselves weren’t taking pictures?

There’s been at least one whistleblower, a counter, who witnessed Democracy dying in the room. He was worried. Some observers that tried to point out a problem weren’t treated well. If massive ballot fraud is happening now, our election process is in trouble.

The ballot counting needs to be transparent

Any appearance of hiding something is going to cause a problem. Windows that were allowed for observation into the TCF Center in Detroit was obscured by poster board. A Fox news producer, Matt Finn, tried to get an answer for this. “Some of the windows remain blocked off.

I asked a few people who taped them up and why, no clear answer. A few poll challengers / workers tell us they feel there wasn’t a fair number of (Republicans and Democrats) in this room.”

Finn had to talk to the Detroit city attorney as well to get an answer. “I talked to Detroit’s city attorney a short while ago, he tells us, he ordered some of the windows to be covered, because some of the poll workers nearest the windows were concerned that people were filming them or information on the ballots.”

Ballots need to be challenged

History dating back to the civil war tells us this can happen again. And here we are. Tracy Wimmer, Director of Media Relations, issued a statement: “These are poll challengers who have a legal avenue to address any legitimate concerns regarding any rules they claim were not followed.

This has been a bipartisan, open and transparent process from the beginning, with a record number of Republican challengers observing it. The individuals who made these claims to you said they were challengers which means they have the ability to bring any violation they thought had occurred to the election inspectors.

An attorney for the city of Detroit, Lawrence Garcia, tells me he ordered some of the windows be covered because some of the workers nearest the windows felt concerned with people outside potentially filming them or ballots. Not all the windows were blocked.”

Both Republican and Democrat challengers were barred from entering. Suddenly the law counted when Mr. Garcia noticed they had more than the law allowed.

“We realized this afternoon we were well over the (134 maximum) just in the haste of doing business, nobody noticed that until it was over 200 for each party, and at that point, we said, we better stop admitting people until they leave, and we’re under the 134 number. … That’s the rules. We have to play by them.”

But the law didn’t allow for equal amounts of Republicans to be in the same room. Republican challenger Nick Sinishtaj of Addison Township commented, “They’re escorting us out like bouncers for a nightclub.

When you walk in, they ask what party you’re affiliated with and as soon as you say GOP, they say, ‘Both are at capacity.’ Well, if that was the case, why did you ask what my party was in the first place?” You can’t pick and choose which laws you’ll observe.

Without laws, we don’t have a nation

But that’s what the Democrats want. Trump knew this would happen so he filed suit. Equal representation was not allowed so the ballot counting needed to stop until this could be resolved. Some inside the building chanted, “Stop the vote”.

Attorney General William Barr has given permission for federal prosecutors across the United States to pursue any ballot irregularities they see fit. Until then, all Americans need to take steps to protect themselves.

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