
Gunman Arrives At The Home of Federal Judge in Charge of Epstein Case…Begins Murdering Family Members

When a gunman disguised as a delivery driver arrives at the home of a federal judge and starts murdering family members, it looks a lot like somebody with some insanely powerful resources is trying to send a message. It was addressed to only one judge, but will act as a chilling warning to all judges working on cases that involve Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. Especially when the gunman is found conveniently dead a short while later. There is at least one dynasty with the resources to arrange disposable hit men, and both Epstein and Maxwell were closely linked to it.

A message to the judge’s family

Someone has a chilling message for federal judges working on Epstein related cases. “Your family isn’t safe and there’s nothing you can do about it.” They sent it special delivery. A white male dressed in a FedEx uniform, and wearing a typical Covid-19 face covering, walked up to the Newark, New Jersey, front door of federal judge Esther Salas and rang the bell.

Her 20-year-old son, Daniel Anderl, opened the door, with his father Mark Anderl right behind him. “The door opened to a hail of gunfire and the gunman fled.” The assailant took off in a passenger car. Daniel died. Salas’ husband, Mark Anderl, is in critical but stable condition. Judge Salas was unharmed but will never be the same after that brutal attack on her family.

A “suspect” was later found dead, across state lines – which adds confusion to the investigation. Every judge with a case involving Jeffrey Epstein or any of his associates is terrified by the chilling message the crime sends to judges and their family. Someone with literally unlimited resources can get away with murder any time they want. The judge in Ghislaine Maxwell’s case is probably thinking she might want to reconsider denying bail.

Friends of the Rothschild’s

Ghislaine Maxwell denies that she was the one to introduce Jeffrey Epstein to Prince Andrew. People are getting really nervous that she might start talking about Andy if she goes to trial. “friends claim the introduction was made by glamorous socialite Lynn Forester de Rothschild in 1999 at a birthday party she threw for her British billionaire husband, Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, in the Hamptons.” The Rothschilds were once considered the wealthiest family in the world but the 19th century wasn’t very good for business. Still, they make so much money that nobody can count it and have their tentacles in every aspect of banking and industry. If someone in the Rothschild clan decided to shoot up a judge’s family, they know just who to call.

Judge Salas was just assigned to an interesting case. Right after Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested, “Salas was assigned to handle a class action lawsuit brought against Deutsche Bank by Ali Karimi on behalf of investors who purchased securities from the bank between November 7, 2017, and July 6, 2020.” July 6 is the Monday following Ghislaine’s arrest. The lawsuit alleges, that the bank “failed to properly monitor customers that the Bank itself deemed to be high risk, including, among others, the convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.”

An alleged suspect in the shooting of the judge’s family “was later found dead of an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound, near Liberty, New York,” police relate. “A municipal employee discovered the body in a car.” The deceased suspect turned out to be “an attorney who had a case before Judge Salas in 2015.” One case, five years ago. It sounds like he was set-up, paid-off, or blackmailed into doing it. Where did the FedEx uniform come from? Police think he was the shooter because there was a FedEx package addressed to Judge Salas in the car. That’s funny, it should be at the scene. It was part of his disguise to walk up to the porch and should have been dropped when he started shooting. Maybe someone else did the shooting and made it look like the disgruntled lawyer did it. When you can spend as much as you want for something, you just pay what it takes. FedEx is cooperating with authorities. They want to know how a lawyer got a FedEx uniform too.

  1. We are going the way of the third world countries like Columbia and Venezuela and Mexico when even our judges are not safe and our politicians are working against the American public, and anarchists rule the streets. When the push back comes these people will be surprised and shocked at the bloody violence that will be called down on their heads.

  2. The Jeffrey Epstein and Ghilslaine Maxwell Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell

    Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell,

    Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell

    Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell will both die before this is all over. Too many big names involved in Epstein’s Island

    case will never go to trial as any judge would be out of their mind to take the case in their court. Whoever will get to Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell

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