Jerrold Nadler is having a hard time getting to the office Tuesday morning because of a car crash. That means the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee had to delay his anticipated torture session of Attorney General William Barr.
Nadler still plans to kick Barr around
The Democrat lawmaker from New York still plans to drag Attorney General William Barr over hot coals, Just a little later than planned on Tuesday. He isn’t going to enjoy it nearly as much though. Jerrold Nadler’s mind won’t be on his work and he’ll be stiff, sore and achy from the two-car crash he was involved in.
Not only that, with the families of federal judges getting ambushed at the front door these days, he may be wondering which of his enemies is fungible enough to be able to hire a car wreck, but not able to fork over the cash required to get the job done properly. Then again, it may have simply been an accident. Just because he isn’t popular doesn’t mean everyone wants to kill him. Nadler was not injured, his spokesman relates, and he wasn’t the one who was driving.
Officially, “the accident, which involved Nadler’s car and another vehicle, took place while the congressman was on his way to the hearing.” The crash was described as “minor” and there are no reports that the representative was taken for medical treatment. A separate statement confirmed that “while he was not hurt, the accident will delay the start of the planned hearing.”
Barr expected to come out swinging
Attorney General Barr is expected to come out swinging as soon as he gets going. An insider told Fox that Barr is “ready to go on offense.” He’ll be happy to give Nadler a bigger headache than he already has. This is the very first time the Attorney General has been invited to the House Judiciary Committee and he plans to make it a noteworthy event.
His prepared statement was conveniently pre-released, so Nadler’s little crash gives everyone more time to read what he’s going to say. He plans to hit hard about the “grave abuses” in the “bogus Russiagate scandal.” Russiagate was a failed attempt to link Donald Trump to Russia and only caught Hillary Clinton, the FBI, the DOJ and most of Barack Obama’s top officials. Now that the public knows the truth, it’s referred to as the “Obamagate” scandal.
After that, AG Barr expects to educate Nadler and the liberals on his committee about how law enforcement works, and remind them that they can make all the laws they want but it doesn’t matter one bit if nobody enforces them. He has more than a few choice things to say on the subject of “defending law enforcement officers in no uncertain terms amid unrest in American cities.”
The real “crash” may well be in Nadler in his coming Star Chamber charade.
Nadler IS an accident looking for a place to happen. That Judicial hearing was anything but, it was a kangaroo court, plain and simple. They never gave Barr a chance to talk or answer any thing. The only reason why they even had him there was to make him look like a fool and to embarrass him. What a waste of time and taxpayer money.
Q: “Mr. Barr. Have you managed to quit beating your wife? Answer YES or NO.”
Barr: “Let me first explain that..”
Q: ” I reclaim my time! Answer YES or NO!”
The crash was described as “minor” and there are no reports that the representative was taken for medical treatment. Damn it! We can win.
Too bad all the “smartest people in the room” wouldn’t be caught dead watching FOX News or they just might see with their own eyes the imbecilic jerks they elected to office make asses out of themselves in vain attempts to look intelligent. Another sad display of Democrats doing what everyone else has always known Democrats have always done.
Trump never need produce another campaign ad: Just loop the antics of these buffoons with the CAPTION: “Do you really want these people running your country?”
Jerrold Nadless is having a hard time getting to the office Tuesday morning because of a car crash. Officially, “the accident, which involved Nadless’s Morbidly Obese Carcass and another vehicle, took place while the congressman was on his way to the hearing.” The crash was described as “minor” and there are no reports that the representative was taken for medical treatment. A separate statement confirmed that “while he was not hurt, the car Nadless sat on was a total loss”. Staff also informed the Congressional Bathroom Custodian that the accident will delay the start of his planned “pizzing” all over the Congressional Bathroom Stalls!
Nadler emerged unharmed from the car wreck, called the cops “systemic racists” and vowed to “impeach all of them”.
Just as I said long ago , Nadler is an accident looking for a place to happen . Gee I wonder if the cars were hurt ?
The driver of the other car must have had the misfortune of seeing GONADler’s FUGLY MUG. That would make anyone unable to see and drive for several minutes.
Nadler emerged from the wreck, accused the cops of “systemic racism” and threatened them all with impeachment.