Disgraced RINO Takes Cheap Shot at Trump, Fails Miserably

We are starting to see exactly who is in on the movement for MAGA and who is not.

And I want to be clear… you don’t necessarily have to support Trump or want him as president again to support MAGA.

However, taking cheap shots at Trump and criticizing what he brought to the party in 2016 is a surefire to out yourself as anti-MAGA.

RINO Warfare

Former Georgia Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan was despised in Georgia.

The RINO Republican is now taking his shots at Trump, saying that he sucked the life out of the party.

I could easily argue that he injected new life and exposed the corruption that runs in our government from top to bottom.

Duncan stated, “This feels different.

“You know what, Donald Trump did his most damage in Georgia. He sucked the soul out of the Republican party here.

“He sucked the morality out of the Republican party, the fiscal responsibility out of the Republican party.

“He sucked our winning percentage out of the Republican party. He’s taken everything from us, and it’s our turn to take it back.

“It’s our turn to face elections based on the things we think we are better on.

“This is the prime spot for us to take Joe Biden out to the woodshed and call him out for not running the border right, not protecting our communities, not putting our best foot forward internationally.

“These are our moments in time.”

This all comes from a man that could no longer win the support in his own home state.

He talks about Trump sucking the wind out of the Republican Party, but it was the Democrats and their corrupt policies in 2020 that sucked the life out of the party.

Had COVID not happened, all the moves that Dems made would have never happened and Trump would be halfway through his second term right now.

Sorry, but I am not interested in going back to the way things were before because Dems have proven they will only accept Republicans that allow them to walk all over them.

No, the new breed stands up… they want war, they got it!

Source: RealClearPolitics

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