
School Admin Covering Up This Controversial Issue…News Outlets Demanding Answers

Colorado’s Jefferson County school administrators have been covering up their problem with “furries.” Students who “identify” as animals and get away with intentionally disrupting the classroom. School officials have been flatly denying that the issue even exists. Now, CBS News is waving a batch of emails in their face. Messages which prove conclusively that “the district was aware of the issue and yet denied it was happening.

Fury over classroom furries

A month ago, Jefferson County school administrators denied to the press that “kids were dressing up as so-called ‘furries‘ at school.” That was a lie. They were fully aware and CBS has the emails to prove it. Darlene Edwards is just one of the offended parents who spoke up. When she first heard of the issue, she didn’t take it nearly as seriously as she should have.

Her 14-year-old son mentioned in passing that his “classmates were dressing up in animal costumes.” Kids and their fads, she thought and “initially urged him to just ignore them.” In her day, it was purple hair and dresses made of trash bags.

Instead of being something which school administrators would quietly quash, “it got progressively worse.” Young master Edwards complained, “but mom, they’re scratching hissing and barking.

The overwhelming agitation furries caused in the classroom made him frustrated. He is especially challenged by it because he happens to be “on the autism spectrum.” That’s when Ms. Edwards “became so upset that she sent an email to the JeffCo school district.

Her son, she wrote, “does not see the fairness of these students being able to act inappropriately and dress in a manner that is disruptive to learning.” Furries, it seems, are a protected species in today’s liberal classrooms.

Ms. Edwards got a similar report from her 6th grade niece. As Edwards informed the district, and they denied knowing about, “the kids also ‘walk on all 4s in the hallway… eat with their face in their food‘ and refer to themselves as ‘animal avengers.‘”

Two dozen parents

CBS was able to verify that “Edwards is among at least two dozen parents who’ve written the district over the last eight months.” Almost all of them refer to the instigators as “furries.

When the GOP candidate for Governor brought the issue up in a radio interview by mentioning that “kids are identifying as cats,” it “erupted in controversy.” Anyone who questions the practice is accused of “anti-LGBTQ rhetoric.” Ms. Edwards used to be Democrat, she declares, but not anymore. She’s still “pro-LGBTQ” and can’t see how wearing clip on furry ears and using a litter box is a “sexual” issue.

I have a niece that is lesbian she specifically said this is not an LGBTQ group. It’s frustrating that it turned political rather than what’s best for the kids at school.” The thing that shocks her the most is the way the kids get away with hijacking the classroom environment while the administrators stand around glossy eyed, like they’ve been vaping the concentrates too hard.

Kimberly Eloe, executive director of communications for JeffCo Schools, thought ignoring the problem would make it go away. At the end of September she issued a formal statement declaring for the record that “there is absolutely no truth to this claim. There are no furries or students identifying as such.

Meanwhile, CBS dug up an email dated in August from August Superintendent Tracy Dorland. She wanted to know “Who is going to respond to the emails about furries?” In another message, Deputy Superintendent Kym LeBlanc-Esparza verifies, “we have all received the emails about the furries in schools..” Yet another smoking gun from Tara Pena, chief of family school and community partnerships, ponders whether it would be “helpful to mention that calling into question students dressing or ‘identifying’ as furries is part of a larger, national political platform to further marginalize our transgender and lgbtq+ students.

The final word from the school when confronted with the evidence is: “Our principals work with their staff to follow district policy around appropriate dress code. If clothing is disruptive, district policy gives principals the power to place restrictions on it, this would include students dressing in costume. We respectfully decline to comment any further on this issue.” In other words, it has their seal of approval and if parents don’t like it, move to another district.

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