
University Offering Students Lessons on How to Be a Prostitute

Durham University in the United Kingdom is intending to offer students a course on how to become prostitutes. This new degeneracy comes courtesy of the Durham Student’s Union, which claims that rising numbers of students are taking up prostitution after graduating, supposedly necessitating a course which will train them to be better and safer prostitutes. The university itself has embraced this attitude and will offer the prostitution courses.

University tells students to consider prostitution

In both the United States and the United Kingdom there are millions of young college graduates who are struggling to find steady work even with their expensive degrees.

We live in a civilization which, rather than addressing the lack of decent jobs or the decline in value of higher education which has led to this situation, prefers to teach these people to become better prostitutes.

Durham University, like most colleges and universities in the US and Europe,  is directly responsible for creating the conditions which are driving graduates into prostitution, if this is indeed happening on a large scale.

Higher education has embraced quantity over quality, working to ensure that everyone goes to college or university regardless of whether or not they should be doing so. The students suffer from a watered down education and a devalued degree but the schools get richer.

Durham University makes good money from an education system which pushes students into these situations and in return it offers them courses on how to be better prostitutes.

This is repulsive move from the university. The school, has told students that they are investing in a degree which will give them access to stable or enjoyable careers. Now it is telling them that they’re likely to resort to prostitution after they graduate.

Students understandably disturbed by course offering

Students at Durham mostly feel that the course offering is disturbing and exploitative, as does the government’s Minister of State for Universities.

Some students are apparently embracing the courses, but a majority reportedly feels somewhat unsettled by the fact that the school is teaching their peers about how to effectively find “sugar daddies” and sell their used underwear online.

Durham University responded to complaints by painting the course in liberal terms, arguing that it is “delivering support to those engaged in sex work,”  rather than actively encouraging students to go into prostitution.

“Sex work” is the politically correct term for a dangerous and frequently illegal industry which, at best, takes advantage of young women and, at worst, involves human trafficking and abuse.

Durham is, unfortunately, not the only school which has decided to offer advice for aspiring prostitutes. If this is to become a trend then it’s one more reason to skeptical about 21st century higher education.

Students know that this is a disgusting action from a school, which should instead be working to give them the best quality education possible in preparation for their chosen career field, not offering them advice on how to prostitute themselves after they’re graduated and underemployed.

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