Supreme Court Hands GOP Crushing Loss

Most conservatives would agree that Pennsylvania is one of the most corrupt states in the country in terms of election integrity.

Every election, without exception, there are problems, and it happened again during the recent primary.

Yet, the PA Supreme Court has ruled that the easiest form of corruption in an election, mail-in voting, will remain intact.

Here We Go

Justice Christine Donohue issued the majority opinion, writing, “We find no restriction in our Constitution on the General Assembly’s ability to create universal mail-in voting.”

Democrat Governor Wolf applauded the decision, stating, “Today’s court ruling definitively asserts that mail-in voting is a legal and constitutional method for Pennsylvania voters.

“By upholding the law, which the General Assembly approved in 2019 in a bipartisan manner, this ruling assures that mail-in voting remains in place and Pennsylvanians will be able to cast their ballot legally in person or by mail without any disruption or confusion.”

I guess we can count on PA staying blue for the foreseeable future as long as PA can keep boxes of mail-in ballots to add to totals long after the polls close.

This is just your friendly reminder, by the way, that is yet another product of lockdowns during COVID that never should have happened.

Many of us stated during the time that COVID was the ideal excuse for Democrats to use to change the rules to ensure they got all the power.

Above all else, the changes in our election process were probably the most blatant power grab of all.

It is exactly why Democrats are trying to keep all these lenient rules in place for the 2022 and 2024 elections.

Source: Fox News

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