Attorney and Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz just offered up some insight into the future of Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY).
Cheney is way behind in primary polls and unlikely to hold her seat.
If she does lose, Dershowitz thinks she will make a comeback… as a Democrat.
Sins of the Father
I have never liked Cheney, and I will admit that is mostly because she acts as though her father is holier than thou when he is a complete dirtball.
Dershowitz, on that subject, stated, “Her father was a very, very different person, and children should not be held responsible for their parents or parents with their job.”
To that, I would say that she has proven on more than one occasion they are cut from the same fabric, so let’s cut the head off the snake now before it lays more eggs.
On Cheney’s future, Dershowitz offered up a rather unique opinion.
He stated, “I think, as a Democrat, I think she will join the Democratic Party, and maybe even run for office as a Democrat.”
Sounds interesting, even possible, but I just don’t see it happening.
Cheney is more than happy to take money from Democrats to keep her campaign rolling along, but I don’t see her switching parties.
The only reason Democrats like her now is because she is fighting against Trump.
Once the new-car smell wears off, the Dems will hate her just as much as the people of Wyoming do.
Source: Just the News