It’s important to note that initially Rep. Ted Brindisi complained of “countless errors and discrepancies”. Gee, where have we heard that before? Did Pelosi tell him to back down? When the shoe is on the other foot, doesn’t feel so good, does it Democrats? With a businessman instead of a politician at the helm of President in 2016, the GOP flipped 15 House seats last November. Republican Claudia Tenney won the last remaining election of 2020.
Democrats got their big fish
Rep. Ted Brindisi didn’t need to bring up the possibility of voter fraud. If that is kept going, people might get suspicious. “There’s no voter fraud to see here, move along…” Democrats have been screaming for months that there’s “absolutely no voter fraud, this was a free and fair election…”
Claudia Tenney won this election by a razor thin margin, only 109 votes. One of Rep. Brindisi’s lawyers, Marc Elias, objected to the outcome, saying the machines were flawed. Supreme Court Judge Scott DelConte disagreed: “No votes cast by dead people were counted. The only claim of voter fraud … was rejected on its face for insufficient proof. There are no unresolved discrepancies with the machine counts from the Boards’ December canvasses, and there were no discrepancies with the machine counts in the manual audit tallies from the Boards’ November canvasses,” Democrats will push where ever they can.
I am shocked and surprised by this decision because of the countless errors and discrepancies that have occurred throughout this initial count. I believe a full audit and hand recount is the only way to resolve this race.
— Anthony Brindisi (@ABrindisiNY) February 5, 2021
Democrats have a thin lead
Once Tenney is certified, the House will have more Democrats than Republicans, 221 to 212. This fight had gone on for months.
Brindisi conceded the contest to Tenney. He “congratulated Claudia Tenney and offered to make the transition process as smooth as possible.” Tenney was equally cordial, tweeting, “I really appreciate Anthony’s call today and thank him for his service. He graciously offered to help ensure a smooth transition and I look forward to working with him over the coming days to complete that process on behalf of everyone in NY22.”
Democrats will scream to a point
Strategy and the bigger picture is being considered here. So when the New York State Supreme Court Justice Scott DelConte ordered eight counties to certify their results, it was allowed through.
The area represented here is more likely to be conservative anyway. It’s central upstate New York, including Utica and Binghamton. Once you get towards New York City (or any city for that matter) it tends toward being more liberal Democrats.