
Blue Collar American Worker Exposes Biden Administration, Explains What is Really Going On

The Biden administration and Democrats in general are furious with the American people for electing an outsider, Trump. Trump himself has said as much. But absolute power corrupts absolutely. Politics was never meant to be a career. Joe Biden has been in government for 47 years, a career politician that was propped up to be President. A common sense rancher, part of the backbone of the country, sees the agenda clear as day.

Biden knows he fake

And the New Mexico rancher doesn’t need the death threats. He was excited about a wall going through his property. But then as soon as Biden was sworn in, construction stopped.

“And then as soon as President Biden took office, he pulled the plug on this project and it came to an immediate halt. The wall works. This is all a politically driven agenda and this is and this is what’s frustrating to me is the Biden administration, they’re stopping the wall, in my opinion to try to hurt Trump’s legacy of securing the border. When in reality all it is doing is hurting the American people.”

Biden may be focused on undoing Trump

In the process, he’s hurting the American people that voted for Trump. Lawrence Jones, a Fox News reporter, interviewed the rancher.

Sean Hannity introduced the segment. “Now Joe Biden’s reckless, irresponsible far-left immigration agenda is already having a devastating impact at the US southern border. Our own Lawrence Jones is live, he’s in New Mexico tonight, speaking [about] the Biden administration halting border wall construction. We also have a lot of guys that we’re building that border that have all gotten pink slips. LJ, a lot going on down there and a lot of people pretty ticked off.”

The rancher spoke of Biden

Lawrence Jones: “And you were promised a barrier to stop illegals from coming on your property.”

Rancher: “Well, that was that’s been Trump’s motto, through his campaign and through his administration, they were going to build a wall. And it started in April of last year. And and we were you know, we were really excited that this was happening. And then as soon as President Biden took office, he pulled the plug on this project and it came to an immediate halt.”

JONES: “What was it you feel that told them, that got them to the this position where they said that we didn’t need the wall anymore? Did you guys complain about it or other locals complaining about it?”

RANCHER: “Absolutely not. Everybody in our area is in favor of this wall because they’ve seen where it is worked, and that it does work.”

JONES: “The wall works.”

RANCHER: “The wall works. This is all a politically driven agenda and this is and this is what’s frustrating to me is the Biden administration, they’re stopping the wall, in my opinion to try to hurt Trump’s legacy of securing the border. When in reality all it is doing is hurting the American people.”

JONES: “Now Sean, I had an opportunity to talk with the Border Patrol today they released a statement saying that the suspension is real, they are no longer building the border wall but they said they do plan on adding more technology and foot patrol on the ground. But as you see these things in my hands right now, these are called footsies Sean. These are what illegals put on their feet to hide their trail as they’re going over these barriers and different communities. The rancher found these on his property These are some of the most high teched footies I’ve ever seen. So normally it’s bags, these are real stitching and it just shows you the traffic that’s out here on the border, Sean.”

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