There’s no need for a Democrat controlled state to further emphasize their hatred for Trump, we know it’s there. But you bit your nose off to spite your face. That just makes you look stupid and petty. The US Department of Agriculture distributed millions of food boxes across the US to help those affected by COVID. The “Farmers to Families” boxes contain some of the four basic food groups such as meat, produce and dairy.
Democrats just can’t stand anything to do with Trump
Including a simple piece of paper. Colorado officials got into the boxes to remove a simple letter from the President.
The Denver Community Food Access Coalition received 1.8 million food boxes. The boxes had a letter from the President encouraging people to “practice social distancing and consider wearing a face covering when in public.” That’s what people are supposed to be doing anyway, right?
But Trump said it, not a Democrat
For months anybody anti Trump has been screaming these instructions so it’s ironic that a piece of paper he put together saying the same thing was removed. DCFAC retrieved the letter, saying Trump’s instructions weren’t as “absolute” as something coming from the CDC that tells people to “wear [a] mask over your nose and mouth and secure it under your chin”.
Aren’t they on the same team? Christine Alford, executive director for Denver Food Rescue went further, saying Trump politicized the food. “[P]oliticizing the one lifeline Colorado families have left during this health pandemic and economic crisis by putting these letters in food boxes is shameful and degrading,”
Only a Democrat can say it
Teva Sinicki is the CEO of Metro Caring. This non profit is one of nine entities involved in DCFAC. She thought Trump was exploiting the situation. “The largest public health and economic crisis Colorado has ever seen is not the time to exploit taxpayers hard-earned dollars and manipulate overworked direct service providers in an attempt to bolster one’s own reelection campaign,”
The coalition wants more money for the SNAP or “food stamp” program. It wants to expand the government program, which is what Trump is trying to cut back on. Get people working and OFF food stamps!