A Netflix star from their show “Cheer,” is being accused of child sex crimes but there haven’t been any formal charges yet. Jerry Harris, who recently appeared in a Joe Biden backing video, was snared in dragnet thrown out by “Varsity Brands, a private company that dominates the cheerleading industry.” They got wind of allegations that the “hero” to Biden’s grand daughter solicited both “sexually explicit images” and “sex from minors.” Not a single charge has been filed yet, but are expected to be announced soon. The FBI already raided his home in Naperville, Illinois.
Child sex charges expected for Netflix Democrat
Liberals love Netflix so much that not only do the Obama’s practically have the run of the place, Barry Soetoro’s former national security adviser, Susan Rice, sits on their board of directors. When the kiddie-porn controversy broke out last week over another Netflix show “Cuties,” Rice clammed up. Now that Jerry Harris is looking at child sex charges, she’s hunkering down like Gina Haspel is going to water-board her.
When 21-year-old Jerry Harris took the stage with Creepy Joe Biden for a cameo on a campaign video, the handlers had to spritz Biden’s granddaughter down with the spray bottle they reserve for when Joe gets a little gropey. As Time relates, “Biden’s college-age granddaughter Finnegan who has the candidate’s ear on digital matters,” was totally psyched that Harris was there. When someone gets around to filing the child sex charges, it’s doubtful that Harris will ever be invited to the Biden basement, but with liberals, you can’t be too sure.
Neither Harris nor his attorneys have issued a statement regarding the pending child sex crime charges but USA Today is reporting that the Federal Bureau of Instigation is looking into reports that Harris “solicited sexually explicit images and sex from minors.” They note, “The criminal investigation is based on allegations that were reported separately to police by Varsity Brands, a private company that dominates the cheerleading industry and handles everything from uniform sales to major competitions.”
Like any parent, I find @netflix decision to peddle child pornography disgusting. And it’s criminal. @TheJusticeDept should take swift action. https://t.co/ReEVk7F8t9
— Tom Cotton (@SenTomCotton) September 12, 2020
Two incriminating screenshots
According to their chief legal officer, Burton Brillhart, at the beginning of August, Varsity alerted authorities in two states, Florida and Texas, of “inappropriate sexual conduct,” reporting the information “to authorities as required by law.” They included two screenshots which highly suggest child sex crimes in progress.
The first attachment is reportedly a Snapchat message including a “picture of the upper part of what appears to be Harris’ face is labeled with the message, ‘Would you ever want to ****'” If the message was to a child under 18, it doesn’t seem promising for his career. The other piece of damning evidence shows “a series of text messages,” which indicate “an exchange that began on Friday, May 3, 2019.” One of the posts noted, “Hey btw I found a place for us to do stuff it’s actually pretty good haha.”
It’s no surprise that Harris would be backing Biden, considering his alleged history. Progressive Netflix, meanwhile, appears to have been given the green light to indoctrinate young minds in the liberal philosophies across the board. Their programming is already saturated with messages screaming out the LGBTQ agenda so its no surprise they’re turning to normalizing pedophilia. The “teen-twerking movie” called “Cuties” is flat out kiddie porn and would be declared illegal in most countries around the world, yet Netflix features it and makes millions. The progressive message is clear. Vote Biden and he’ll approve child sex, abolish the police, and burn America to the ground. That will teach those deplorable Trump Supporters.
Maybe Joe will help his fellow pervert out.
Both are perverts MenToo were are you on this?