Rep. Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) usually gets away with saying whatever she wants in the media.
That did not happen this time around, though.
And if you can believe it, it was Chris Cuomo that exposed just how idiotic her recent statements were.
Fact-check Fail
AOC and her Squad buddies have been attacking Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu throughout this conflict.
AOC stepped up her attacks recently, accusing Israel of war crimes for booby-trapping pages and walkie-talkies that were destined for terrorists.
According to reports, Israel intercepted the shipments, rigged the electronic devices, sent them back out, then blew them up when they were in the hands of Hezbollah operatives.
Cuomo pushed back on AOC’s assertation that this was a war crime.
He explained, “She [Ocasio-Cortez] started by accusing Israel of a war crime for what they did to members of Hezbollah in Beirut, and then, asking for an investigation, accused them of a war crime, asked for an investigation.
“Then she decided to get truthy and show that her claim that the exploding pagers were ‘clearly’ in violation of U.S. policy.
“‘This attack clearly unequivocally violates international humanitarian law, undermines U.S. efforts to prevent a wider conflict.’
“And then she said it violates U.S. policy. Clearly. Israel is not one of the United States, so they don’t follow our laws or rules.
“Second, if the representative was suggesting by that comparison that the United States should therefore not support Israel, good luck with that.
“And then, here’s what really bothers me about this salvo: She’s dead wrong. This is why you don’t accuse and then go in search of a crime.”
Cuomo continued, “Here’s the part that she left out, oddly, the next section after the one she cited, ‘The use of mines, booby traps, other devices is subject to the same rules and principles that govern the use of other weapons to conduct attacks.’
“The rules include a prohibition against indiscriminate use of mines, booby traps and other devices. Indiscriminate.
“What does that mean? It means at all feasible precautions shall be taken to prevent civilians from the effects of mines, bobby traps and other devices, taking into account all circumstances ruling at the time, including humanitarian and military considerations.
“The war manual even specifies an example of when booby traps are not prohibited. It would not be prohibited to improvise a booby trap, for example, to retard an enemy advance.
“ What does that mean? Could mean a lot of things.
“One of them certainly is a group of bloodthirsty terrorists coming from you.
“So, did she not read that part because she’s not a lawyer or not thorough or did intentionally not want to be fair? One is misfeasance, not doing your job well. The other is malfeasance, doing it badly on purpose.”
This is pretty typical of AOC, who likes to spout off at the mouth against all things Israel, and she is wrong, as she usually is.
I have been critical of Cuomo on the past, but I give him props for calling out AOC here.