kamala harris

CNN Dumps on Kamala Harris

Education standards and Kamala Harris speeches are a lousy combination. Florida’s State Board of Education changed one sentence in a 216 page document approved recently and the Vice President criticized it. CNN Commentator Scott Jennings didn’t know where the got her comments from and slammed her for it. The new standards were done in a Republican state so Harris saw fit to attack.

Harris slammed

Jennings spoke on the “State of the Union” that “this is a completely made-up deal.” The one sentence in the new standards that Harris couldn’t deal with was, “Instruction includes how slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit.”

She spoke of it in a speech in Florida where she said, “Extremists in the state want to replace history with lies. Middle school students in Florida to be told that enslaved people benefited from slavery.”

Harris made no sense

Jennings studied the standards and in every place that mentioned slavery. He said this was ridiculous.

“I looked at the standards. I even looked at an analysis of the standards, in every instance where the word slavery or slave was used. I even read the statement of the African-American scholars that wrote the standards — not Ron DeSantis, but the scholars. Everybody involved in this says this is completely a fabricated issue. And yet look how quickly Kamala Harris jumped on it.”

But fellow CNN analyst Ashley Allison didn’t like what Jennings said. “And just because black people write it don’t mean — that doesn’t mean it’s going to be accurate. Like, we can disagree as black people as well.” Regardless, Jennings’ criticism has truth to it.

Harris maybe trying to pull her poll numbers up

She’s hit an historical low for vice presidents. She might have thought possibly by spewing phony outrage over something silly it might pull poll numbers up a little. She cannot possibly be serious about this issue although she really isn’t serious about anything based on her word salad speeches.

These are still pretty frivolous comments though even by her standards. No reasonable person would come to the conclusion that “slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit” means “enslaved people benefited from slavery.” Government officials including vice presidents have no business commenting on history standards to say nothing of creating them.

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