At least nine people were shot, and one killed, as racially charged violence erupted after the sun went down. Anarchy reigns supreme in Minneapolis as the bloodbath continued overnight into Friday morning. Police continue to do their jobs, for now, even though they are unwelcome in the community. They were already legally disbanded by the city council. Residents can’t wait for the armed police to be replaced with social workers, so they can shoot out their differences amongst themselves without fear of being murdered by the police for it.
A night of violence
Minneapolis, Minnesota, has reverted to 19th century frontier lawlessness. Demoralized police have no incentive to stop the random violence since they’re about to be replaced by social workers, yet they stay on the front-line anyway, trying their best to preserve some semblance of the rule of law.
As the sun came up Friday morning one 20-year-old man was pronounced dead of a gunshot wound. Eight other shooting victims were more fortunate. Police simply called it “another violent night in Minneapolis.” The lawless violence is expected to get a lot worse before it gets better. Liberals have no idea how to preserve the peace without cops but they promise they’re working real hard to figure it out. Meanwhile, they have anarchy.
The violence began right about sundown. Thursday evening, at 6:53 p.m., the night’s first gunshot report came in. “A 17-year-old boy was outside in the area of 25th Ave. North and Lyndale Ave. North. He was taken to North Memorial Hospital, and his condition is unknown.” It’s not even safe to simply walk outside.
Shooting hoops
An hour and a half later, “around 8:25 p.m., two men in their 20s were shot at the East Phillips Park basketball court, near 24th St. East and Cedar Ave. South.” Police are convinced the suspect “fled the area in a vehicle.” Both victims of Marxist violence were “taken to HCMC with non-life threatening injuries.” Instead of the O.K. Corral, modern gunslingers give new meaning to shooting hoops on the basketball court.
As the violence progressed through the night, around 9:30 p.m., someone called the under-appreciated police to maintain the peace after shots were fired near 21st Ave. North and 6th St. North. Instead of murdering the victim like Black Lives Matter insists they wanted to, they transported the man in his 40s with two non-life threatening gunshot wounds to the hospital.
The violence escalated and things really got busy when three separate calls came in from three different locations. police “received a ShotSpotter notification in the area of 29th St. East and Park Ave. South,” just after midnight. While they were checking it out, “they got a call about a man who had just arrived to HCMC with a gunshot wound.” The victim claims he was driving in the area and minding his own business when “someone drove up next to him and starting firing.”
Victims piling up
Victims started piling up at the local hospitals as the violence raged through the night. While units were at the 29th street scene, “police were heading to the area of 38th St. East and Chicago Ave. for a report of shots fired. The call was upgraded to a shooting as police were en route.” When they got there, police discovered a man in his mid-to-late 20s with a gunshot wound. As they were talking to him, “police were informed another male victim had arrived at Abbott Northwestern Hospital with a gunshot wound related to this incident.” Looks like that was a shootout.
The next report of violence “was a shooting with the possibility of multiple victims.” Responding to the 2900 block of N. 6th St., “police found the body of a man in his 20s and a woman in critical condition. She was taken to the hospital.”
While I applaud the police for continuing to do their job, I can only think that this BLM/Marxist inspired mayhem will get enough Blue Dog Democrats and independents to realize what a Biden victory would portend.
A couple of bursts of machine gun fire at the start of the looting weeks ago would have ended this story.
A Democrat mantra, Police? We don’t need any stinking police. BLM and Antifa will restore peace to the city.
The police should formally go on strike, get private security jobs while waiting, and not come back until the citizens formally ask them to.
Boy, this defunding the police thing really seems to be working out for the nitwit Minnesota population. I’g going to make a guess that anyone with a functioning brain will pack up and get the hell out of Dodge within the next few months, leaving the Democrat leaders and their compliant voter base to fend off the criminals if they want to stay alive. I’ve often heard it stated that people deserve the government they get (because the same people voted for that government). To me, it’s pretty clear that if you vote for any Democrat for your city, state or national government, you had better buy a good gun and start practicing your quick draw, because eventually you are going to become responsible for your own, and your family’s safety. A new version of the western-cowboys and terrorists (antifa and Black Lives Matter).
Your liberal, Democrat controlled city at work! I guess it is just like Dr. Spock said many years ago as he created this lawless generation. Well, they are just expressing themselves. Be patient and kind and please don’t hurt their precious egos. When will Democrats learn that you can’t promise everyone everything to get elected and then not follow through with your promises. Giving people things while not having them working for them produced this mess. And now they want a total incompetent in the office of the presidency, Joe Biden?
Are liberal democrats that stupid to think that getting rid of the police will solve the problems that the liberal democrats created? The facts don’t support BLM’s allegation that cops indiscriminately killed black people. It’s plainly not true.
Liberal democrats are not the answer to the chaos that has been created by liberal democrats. Socialists democrats want to bring about change as long as the changes don’t endanger their position. Socialism is a fantasy built upon lies. The socialist utopia is not real.
The summer of love continues in the land of the perpetually stupid. Wanna destroy a city or state…? Vote Democrat