Andrew Cuomo, New York’s rabidly progressive governor, has been whining since Monday about a shortage of critically needed ventilators. He’ll get them, along with a lot more federal relief, but President Trump doesn’t want to hear his sniveling. New York’s liberal manager passed up a chance to buy 16,000 of the machines in 2015 and it’s Cuomo’s job to be buying them now.
New York governor begging for equipment
Hours after Governor Andrew Cuomo hijacked the airwaves to beg for more federal help, President Donald Trump slammed the left-leaning liberal for failing to do his job in the first place. “He’s supposed to be buying his own ventilators,” Trump told reporters Monday. According to Cuomo, “the state does not have enough ventilators for the peak of cases it expects to see in two to three weeks.” He needs around 30,000 and only has 7,000 now.
“We’re going to help,” the President assured, while making it crystal clear that Cuomo is getting much more help than he deserves. “We’re building him four hospitals, we’re building him four medical centers. We’re working very, very hard for the people of New York.”
Yes, he’ll get his ventilators too. Vice President Mike Pence confirmed on Tuesday that “the federal government would be sending an additional 4,000 ventilators to New York over the next two days.” America’s automakers came together to volunteer their assembly lines. They will be gearing up to start producing ventilators and other necessary equipment.
Cuomo had his chance and blew it
President Trump was quick to point out the recent media reports that allege Governor Cuomo passed up a deal for 16,000 of the machines back in 2015. Cuomo’s defenders claim that the advisory task force report “never recommended the State procure ventilators.”
They sidestep the fact that it would have been the governors decision to make the purchase but he didn’t do it, despite the fact he was warned in the report, “New York wouldn’t be equipped with enough ventilators,” for a flu pandemic on the scale of the 1918 outbreak.
President Trump isn’t holding Cuomo’s bad judgment from five years ago against him, only saying that the governor has no room to be complaining about the federal response now. “I’m not blaming him or anything else, but he shouldn’t be talking about us,” Trump declared.
Cuomo and all the leftist ilk ,political or not, have shown their donkies just like the brain-deads from California in speaking ill of our President. Why should they expect express service from him??? Let’s face it. Trump is President –NOT GOD !!! And if you expect ANYTHING from GOD, who says in the WORD- ” before you were formed in your mother’s womb, I knew you”, YOU have to recognize the Father of Creation considers the willful death of a fetus, if purposefully committed, is murder!!!!! God delivered 10 commandments- four concerning our relationship with God, the father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and the last six concerning our relationships with humanity. These ten commandments are NOT a burden- but it is YOUR choice, leftist democrats- and the door to eternal life is not going to be open forever. Make your choice in wisdom…