The Pentagon is in chaos with “generals scrambling” with Trump set to fire senior military leaders who prioritized “diversity, equity and inclusion” over military readiness. One person compared it to a hornet’s nest being kicked over and “DEI pages are starting to disappear off the main websites.” People are checking a particular list to see if they’re being cut. Trump’s transition team is taking names.
The Pentagon going down a road
It never should have gone down. One person said, “They’re being archived as we speak. They are full-bore focused on cleaning up anything DEI-related,”
An executive order has already been drafted that will create a board that will suggest senior officials to be eliminated. That order is definitely going to Trump’s desk. That person said, “This is for real. This [EO] has made the cut.”
Pentagon officials need to work their resume
A member of the Trump transition team is already getting in touch with troop advocates for names. One is Army whistleblower retired Green Beret Lt. Col. Pete “Doc” Chambers. He served 39 years, retiring when he was told he couldn’t give informed consent for the COVID vaccine.
Another gathering names is another whistleblower, retired Army Chief Warrant Officer 2 Samuel Shoemate. He was investigated for having a whistleblower website and advocated for troops who didn’t want the COVID vaccine.
First focus is Pentagon DEI
That executive order though is more focused on DEI rather than COVID. The focus is to “reorient the U.S. military away from the woke ideology and priorities that has been foisted upon it”. This could go back as far as the Obama administration.
Military leadership needs to be restored.
“The purpose of the EO is to restore the military leadership focus on keeping the country safe and when necessary, fighting the country’s wars…not these extraneous factors [such as] “white rage” and gender identity…just this full range of left-wing woke priorities that have impacted recruitment in the military and retention in the military and a person’s prospects of promotion in the military”.