
Trump Election SHOCKER, Liberal MELTDOWN

It would appear that Donald Trump has weathered the initial lovefest for Kamala Harris.

A new wave of polls has come out, and Donald Trump is making headway.

After trailing Harris nationally and across all key battleground states, Trump is now pulling ahead.

Big Move

The one thing I was looking forward to in this election was Donald Trump winning the popular vote.

That was almost assuredly going to happen when Biden was in the race, but the last-minute switch to Harris flipped all polling.

Now, there is little hope that Trump can win the popular vote, but he is very much in this for the Electoral College vote.

I am expecting the loyal blue and red states to fall in line, so this election comes down to a handful of battleground states.

For me, the real battle will be for Trump to steal key Blue Wall states from Harris, and possibly one or two other battleground states to get a nice cushion.

While all these races remain tight, Trump is trending, and that is what we needed to see only a month away from election day.

The AtlasIntel survey has given Trump a nice bump in multiple key states.

He is still trailing Harris in Nevada and North Carolina, but the numbers are trending back toward Trump.

In both Georgia and Arizona, Trump now has a small lead, so this is great news in terms of getting that cushion, as this will dictate how many Blue Wall states Trump has to win to block Harris.

In this poll, Trump was ahead in all three key states, those being Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Trump’s lead in Michigan was a notable 3.4%, and he just broke the 2% barrier in PA. My one concern here is Wisconsin. Trump was ahead in this poll by 1.5%, but other recent polls have him multiple points down, but I will take two of the three here.

If these trends continue, the race will be tight, but Trump should win.

We will check them again in another week where I think we can really start to dial in what states Trump will win and which ones are still up for grabs.

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