Supreme Court

Supreme Court Intervenes Biden’s DOJ Getting Desperate

The time of the Biden administration is about to come to an end, and Merrick Garland and the DOJ are going into panic mode.

When Biden released his Title IX rule updates, numerous red states fought back and won.

Now the DOJ is asking the Supreme Court to restore Biden’s Title IX rules before he leaves office.

Campaign Time

Make no mistake about it, this is nothing more than a campaign move to paint Republicans and the Supreme Court as extremists.

Most red states blocked certain aspects of Biden’s Title IX rule as it pertains to transgenders in sports and the like.

That is the exact aspect of the rule that U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar petitioned the Supreme Court to have reinstated.

Prelogar stated, “The district court held that respondents’ challenges are likely to succeed and issued a preliminary injunction.

“But the court refused to tailor the injunction to the two provisions of the Rule that are the source of respondents’ asserted injuries — or even to the three provisions they have challenged on the merits.

“Instead, the court enjoined the entire Rule, including dozens of provisions that respondents had not challenged and that the court did not purport to find likely invalid.

“…Several Justices warned that ‘[l]ower courts would be wise to take heed’ of that reminder about the limits on their equitable powers.

“The lower courts here ignored that warning, and this Court’s intervention is again needed.”

It will be very interesting to see how the court rules on this, especially for the justices that were appointed by Donald Trump.

This is the Democrats using a measuring stick to see how they will attack the court, so it is basically a win-win situation for them.

If the court rules in their favor, they get to implement their new rules.

If the court rejects their case, they get to say the Supreme Court is a MAGA extremist court and use it as a campaign weapon during the election.

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