Soros, Sleepy Joe Trying To Crack Down On Gas Lawn Mowers Using Sinister Method

At least every week during the summer, I will spend part of a Saturday afternoon on my riding lawn mower taking care of my front and back yard.

This may sound like it’s a chore to do, but it’s one of those things that is pretty darned relaxing.

The whole process takes an hour or two, and I will just sit and listen to the radio I rigged into some soundproof headphones.

It’s fun. It costs me a handful of dollars to do something that I would otherwise be paying someone else to do, and I’m making sure my yard doesn’t become THAT yard which becomes the topic of conversation at your local watering hole.

I have a pretty large yard, so it’s gas all the way for me. I tried using one of those electric push mowers once that had the extension cord but you always had to worry about whether or not you were about to run over the cord and electrocute yourself.

Added to that, if you are someone like myself who has a large backyard, you don’t want to have to buy several hundred feet of orange extension cord just to make sure the yard looks alright.

I have gas for everything. Gaas mower, gas stove, gas emergency camping stove. It’s because if the power goes out you can always rely on the gas stove at the very least. In the exact same way, you can rely on a gas mower to take care of a yard no matter what the size.

This brings me to the latest plot by the hateful George Soros in conjunction with the Biden Administration. If you remember the plot from some months back that they began to put in motion about making gas stoves illegal, it seems that they are coming for everything that has any connection to a gas line or a gas motor.

And they are attempting to use it in an absolutely insane way. There was a law passed many years ago called the Noise Control Act, which was supposed to be used to combat noise pollution.

It’s one of those things that might be a good idea if you are talking about mowing the lawn at one in the morning, but at one in the afternoon it doesn’t exactly make much sense, does it?

Their reasoning must be that the gas engines in most lawnmowers make a good bit of racket.

Hey liberals, that’s what the earplugs are for. I mean, why don’t we just outlaw anything that makes noise while we’re at it? How about horns in cars?

What about barking dogs? That’s probably going to be the next thing after they try to get rid of lawnmowers are barking dogs. It seems that every single time liberals try to solve a problem three more pop up in its place.

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