Democrat Video

The One Video Democrats DO NOT WANT You to See

I have seen this video before, but based on the plan of attack by Democrats against Trump, it was imperative to put this back out there again.

Prosecutors, Democrats, and even some judges, want to push the narrative that Trump was giving silent orders via social media and the rally on January 6.

I have always stated that if they want to go down that road, they also have to hold Democrats and media personalities accountable for their words that created chaos in our streets.

The Double Standard

So, here is the video with a lot of the key inflammatory statements by the media and Democrats…

Now, I would say that in some of those situations, what was being said was far worse than anything that Trump had ever said.

Yet, when Democrats were called out on it, the so-called fact-checkers on mainstream media said, in just about every incident, that the words of Democrats were taken out of context and they did not actually call for violence.

For instance, USA Today ran with a fact-checking article that was headlined, “Fact check: Quotes from Democratic leaders about riots, unrest taken out of context.”

AFP Fact Check ran a headline on this story with a headline, “Quotes from US Democrats falsely characterized as calls for violence.”

When you get the chance, give them both a quick read and you will how ridiculously biased the mainstream media has become.

I mean, in some of these instances, they were literally talking about murdering Donald Trump, so I am not really sure how that could be taken out of context.

There is a clear double standard in this country, my friends, and we are on the wrong side of it.

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