All 48,000 of Them Went on Strike…

It would appear that higher education in California is now on hold for the foreseeable future.

Some 48,000 educational workers have walked out.

Being represented by the UAW, they have no intentions of coming back anytime soon.

Shut It Down

The University of California is the hardest hit, with many classes being canceled due to the strike.

Teaching assistants, researchers, postdoctoral students, tutors, and graders have all walked out.

The are asking for better benefits, pay increases, and childcare subsidies.

UC has offered a five percent increase, but it is not enough to bring them back.

The school stated, “UC’s primary goal in these negotiations is multiyear agreements that recognize these employees’ important and highly valued contributions to UC’s teaching and research mission with fair pay, quality health and family-friendly benefits and a supportive and respectful work environment.”

Neal Sweeney, president of UAW Local 5810, stated, “The strike will end when UC ends its unfair labor practices and starts bargaining in good faith.”

They have the school over a barrel because we all know these schools print money.

However, we also know what will happen here.

Anything conceded to these workers will go into tuition hikes, even though the school is probably sitting on millions in endowments.

Source: Fox Business

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