The corruption runs deep. Facebook was one place where free speech was censored going into the 2020 election and it still is. A state appointed special counsel in the Wisconsin Assembly found a lot of illegal things happened. Zuckerberg put $9 million toward the Wisconsin Democrats, violating their election code law against bribery. A lot of investigations have turned up a lot of fraud. This will continue.
Election 2020 investigations
Will persist. Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos authorized the Office of Special Counsel to investigate election integrity this past summer. The retired state Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman heads this counsel.
He delivered a preliminary report November 10, 2021. A second report was provided recently. The assessment “is final in the sense that it provides a list of recommendations with time for the Legislature to act before the close of its session in March.”
Election reports
There are recommendations but nothing more. Gableman stressed from the start that this wasn’t re-analyzing that count or confronting the election certification. This is just another step. It was fulfilling “the duty of all citizens of our State and our nation to work hard to secure our democracy for this generation and the next.”
The legislature has a lot of work to do. There were “numerous questionable and unlawful actions of various actors in the 2020 election.” The first one was five grant funds that went to Wisconsin counties. Statute 12.11 prohibits election bribery.
Facebook helped
Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg gave funds to the Center for Tech and Civic Life. This organization offered $9 million to the now dubiously named “Zuckerberg 5”, five counties considered to be heavily Democratic. These funds paid for illegal drop boxes in those counties.
Election code restricts how ballots should be cast. The elector must either personally mail or deliver their ballot unless that person has somebody acting on their behalf.
Equal protection
The constitution guarantees equal protection but those five counties violated that. The money targeted specific voters. The report cited evidence of those five counties allowing private groups to work with that tech center, including one embedded in local government election administration.
The Wisconsin Election Commission or WEC told workers to ignore nursing homes directives. Several nursing homes throughout the state reported 100% participation. This is unheard of. There were a lot of ineligible voters.
More election law violations
Non-citizen and incapacitated citizens are still on the Wisconsin voter rolls. There were also a lot of reports of government officials disrupting investigations. The WEC and state attorney general aren’t cooperating. The report included an appendix stating certain areas of the Wisconsin government were blocked from investigation.
Subpoenas have been issued but legal wrangling is blocking those from being enforced. Once those subpoenas are obeyed, the counsel will “manage and process the voluminous responsive records, and will facilitate any available audits.” One suggestion in the report is to eliminate the Wisconsin Election Committee. If they refuse to follow the law, why do we have them?