You can have knock out after knock out but the administration remains. The “news” covers for them. Kayleigh McEnany is one of many just pointing out one hypocrisy after another. The Biden administration and Jen Psaki do things but refuse to talk about them. If they do, it’s a variety of diversions. Why doesn’t the administration talk about what’s going on? Do you need more cover?
Kayleigh and Trump
Were right. Americans just want to know the truth. And if the truth will get your administration removed from power, then that’s just too bad. The Biden administration was installed, not elected.
The former press secretary got after Jen Psaki for not talking about what’s going on. “Jen Psaki promised us a daily White House press briefing. There isn’t one today. There wasn’t one Monday.”
Kayleigh is just pointing out
That the administration isn’t doing their jobs. They say something prepared and run away. “When the going gets tough, the daily press briefing that she promised goes out the window,” Kayleigh slammed Psaki.
Like Obama, don’t listen to what is said, watch what is done. Because this administration will say one thing and do another. Don’t forget, this is Obama 2.0. Obama will be allowed as many years as the Democrats can force through.
Kayleigh was unafraid to pull facts out
Of her notebook and slam reporters for their nonsense questions. Over and over. Jen Psaki is the opposite. Her auto responder read, “I will be out of the office from August 15th-August 22nd.” The message directed reporters to talk to other press officers.
A Pentagon briefing was offered but yielded little results. Kayleigh was furious. Nobody knows anything. “And still, Press Secretary John Kirby couldn’t answer some of the most pressing questions. When asked how many American citizens were trapped in Afghanistan, Kirby admitted, ‘I don’t know.’”
Kayleigh knows her stuff
And is unafraid to point out the differences between this administration and Trump’s. Kirby may have been sheepish answering questions. “And I don’t know how many Americans are in Afghanistan. That’s a question put to the State Department, not the Department of Defense. We don’t have that kind of granularity.” His “best guess” was estimated to be somewhere between 5,000 and 10,000 Americans near Kabul.
“When you are a press secretary at any entity, you anticipate whatever the questions will be,” McEnany lit into him, “One of the most obvious questions is how many Americans are on the ground. He didn’t take up the time to pick up the phone and call Secretary of State Antony Blinken and get that number for us when you are the one place we are getting information from today, when there are nearly 15,000 American hostages on the ground? And the Pentagon spokesperson could not pick up the phone and Jen Psaki won’t go to the podium to give us these very basic answers we deserve.”