
Frail and Failing Joe Catching Heat for Falling Short on Most of His Promises

Yes, Joe, things CAN be done quickly in Congress. For years people didn’t believe it. Then a businessman, Trump, was elected. He opened eyes to what can be done. Trump ran because of you, Joe. What about that money? The government has businesses across the nation shut down from COVID and you’ve just added to the problem by thousands of jobs. If you want to punish Trump supporters though, you’re probably on the right track.

Joe said he’d send the money out immediately

We’re back to the old “politicians only make promises to get elected”. Those promises are discarded once they’re sworn in.

Joe Biden promised, especially in Georgia, that electing fellow Democrats would mean those checks would go out that much sooner. Well, Dominion was used in that state so it stands to reason Republicans wouldn’t stand a chance.

Joe looked tired even before the race

He’ll get more frail daily over the next four years. Or would that be Pelosi’s cue to use the 25th Amendment on him?

It’s been over a month since Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock were elected. You’ve had time to write at least 50 executive orders. So what’s the hold up?

Joe has an obvious bias

But that’s expected. Joe even said if the Georgia Democrat candidates lost to the Republicans, the checks would “never get there”. Former Ohio Senator Nina Turner tweeted out as a reminder, “It’s been 42 days since we installed a new Congress. It’s time the American People got their $2,000 checks,”

The COVID relief package eligibility is still being hammered out. The bill needs House and Senate approval and they’re not due back til February 22. Pelosi said this bill will go out “as soon as possible”. This bill may be loaded with Democrat state bailouts. It’s just one more thing to blame Republicans for if it doesn’t go through.

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