Trump Campaign attorney Nevada Supreme Court lawsuit voter fraud election

Trump Campaign Attorney FURIOUS: This Doesn’t End Here

The Nevada State Supreme Court rejected an appeal from President Trump’s legal team to overturn the state’s election results. Republican voters are outraged, but not surprised. The Democrat Governor of Nevada has been butting heads with Trump all year.

Nevada voter fraud 2020 election

The Nevada Supreme Court just unanimously ruled on Tuesday night to reject an appeal from President Trump’s legal team to overturn the state’s election results. Judge James T. Russell of the Nevada District Court ruled Friday that there was no evidence supporting the claims of fraud and wrongdoing made by the campaign in a state President-elect Joe Biden won by more than 33,000 votes.

“To prevail on this appeal, appellants must demonstrate error of law, findings of fact not supported by substantial evidence or an abuse of discretion in the admission or rejection of evidence by the district court. We are not convinced they have done so,” the order read.

Nevada stopped updating poll results on election night and many Americans were suspicious about the move. The state assured voters they just needed extra time to count the unprecedented number of mail-in ballots they received. “We told everyone early on that results would take at least ten days,” Secretary of State spokeswoman Jennifer A. Russell said in an email. Later came multiple reports of stolen mail-in ballots and Republican poll watchers being barred from polling stations.

President Trump loses Nevada

In a controversial move, the Nevada Legislature passed a bill in August to send a mail-in ballot to all 1.7 million of its active registered voters with the hope of preventing the spread of Covid-19.

Any ballots received that were postmarked by election day were considered valid and would be counted if they arrived within seven days.

Votes continued to pour in days after the election. “It’s been a different year for us,” said Deanna Spikula, registrar of voters in Washoe County, the state’s second-largest county that includes Reno. “The volume is definitely something that we’ve never seen before in the state as far as receiving and processing mail-in ballots.”

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