
Breaking: Trump Rushed to Walter Reed Hospital

President Donald Trump is about to be transported to the nearby Walter Reed Medical Center late Friday afternoon out of an abundance of caution following his Covid diagnosis earlier today. The president remains only mildly symptomatic and put in a full day of work in quarantine.

President Trump following doctors orders

President Donald Trump isn’t nearly as concerned about his cold symptoms as everybody else is. Because, after all, he is commander in chief and the leader of the greatest nation in the world. That means they treat him with extra special care and he’s off for an unscheduled checkup. Staff emphasizes that this is only a “precautionary measure.”

Kayleigh McEnany released a statement declaring “President Trump remains in good spirits, has mild symptoms, and has been working throughout the day. Out of an abundance of caution, and at the recommendation of his physician and medical experts, the President will be working from the presidential offices at Walter Reed for the next few days.”

As soon as word broke this morning that the president and first lady were both hit by the Wuhan Flu, cards and letters started pouring in. “President Trump appreciates the outpouring of support for both he and the First Lady,” McEnany relays.

Tired but in good spirits

The official White House physician, Dr. Sean Conley, came in for a house call earlier and announced that President Trump is “fatigued but in good spirits.” They gave him “an experimental antibody cocktail treatment,” and he’s been taking “several nutritional supplements as well. You can bet there’s a bottle of tonic water at his elbow.

Ever since he was officially tested positive, he “has since stayed off the social media platform and out of sight.” White House officials have been keeping everyone posted with frequent updates all day. Those familiar with his condition say the worst symptom so far is “a low-grade fever.” he also has “a cough and nasal congestion, among other symptoms.” Basically, a cold.

All day Friday, the president was “working and making calls from his residence.” He plans to keep at it from Walter Reed. The special military hospital “has an executive office suite set up for this purpose, including a residence and an office space.” Everyone keeps insisting that “Trump is not seriously ill but that because of his age, as well as other risk factors, he and aides decided to take this additional step.” He’s expected to walk to Marine One for the ride to the clinic.

  1. Wish he and the First Lady a full and speedy recovery. Hopefully his recovery will cause renewed interest for the widespread application of hydroxychloroquine for the rest of us old people.

  2. My whole family has had the Coronavirus and my husband and I are President Trump’s age. I did not have the pneumonia but my husband did. He was over it himself by the time he was concerned enough to go to the doctor. They hospitalized him for three days until the test results came in that said he was free of the virus. My bout with it was like a weird sinus infection and my two sons and daughter-in-law just had the deep fatigue and nothing more. It is not deadly for the majority of people and none of my family are experiencing the “after effects” they are warning everyone about. More fearmongering.

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