bill gates

The Real Reason Bill Gates Is Buying Up U.S. Farmland

While Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates continues to mysteriously purchase large plots of American farmland across the United States, some recent speculation has arisen questioning the reason why. While many believe that his actions are driven by an effort to save the planet from climate change, one research thinks he has another agenda in mind.

In their new book “Controligarchs,” investigative journalist Seamus Bruner reveals another side of the story – and it is not what you would expect.

In “Controligarchs,” Bruner suggests that this farming spree is actually part of a larger strategy to take control of food production. Furthermore, he believes that this plan originated with the Rockefellers back in the 1940s when they funded research into what became known as the Green Revolution.

This revolution had some positive outcomes such as pesticide-resistant crops but also led to many negative effects like consolidation of small-scale and family-owned farms into large corporate ones. It seems that Bill Gates is now following suit and squeezing out small farmers so only those with wealth can control land resources.

It appears that this scheme involves more than just acquiring land; it also involves patenting agricultural products which are more expensive than traditional alternatives but supposedly ‘climate friendly’. When governments crack down on traditional methods these patented products will become increasingly valuable thus making Gates richer still.

As Bruner puts it: “Fake meats are about controlling the food market, not saving the planet”. Furthermore, reports show that over a decade Gates has spent more than $1 billion on farm acquisitions and technologies related to Agenda 2030 (a UN initiative aiming to end poverty and hunger).

However, if we look closer at these purchases we can see even deeper consequences – namely water rights below ground which further extend his reach beyond just farming alone. By buying up land he gains access to irrigation systems which enable him to completely control food production from top to bottom – thereby eliminating family farms all together.

All things considered, it seems clear that although Bill Gates may be claiming he wants to save the planet from climate change his real goal might actually be something far less noble.

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