Israel Tanks on the Move… They’re at the Gates!

Israel continues to put the squeeze on Hamas.

As we stated many times, this terror organization is known for hiding among civilians, including children.

And that is exactly where the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) found Hamas holding up.

Israeli tanks had surrounded the largest hospital in Gaza, Al Sharifa.

Battle Ensues

According to reports, there were about 650 patients inside the hospital when the Israeli tanks rolled up to the gates.

Israeli soldiers and Hamas then engaged in a massive firefight for control of the area.

According to Israel, the hospital was being used by Hamas as a command center.

A U.S. official confirmed that fuel that was meant to help patients had been confiscated by Hamas, much as we all had suspected.

Biden, however, seemed to rap Israel across the knuckles, stating, “The hospital must be protected.”

He added, “My hope and expectation is that there will be less intrusive action.”

IDF Rear Admr. spokesman Daniel Hagari stated, “Underneath the hospital, in the basement, we found a Hamas command and control center, suicide-bomb vests, grenades, AK-47 assault rifles, explosive devices, RPGs, and other weapons, computers, money, etc.”

“We also found signs that indicate that Hamas held hostages here.

“This is currently under our investigation.

“Hamas hides in hospitals.

“Today, we will expose this to the world.”

Dr. Ahmed El Mokhallalati, a surgeon claimed, “The tanks are in front of the hospital.

“We are under full blockade.

“Only hospital facility, hospital patients, doctors and other civilians staying in the hospital.

“Someone should stop this.”

The IDF video says otherwise, which goes to a point I have made many times before.

If you are hiding Hamas, you are complicit, even if you are a doctor.

So, where exactly are we going to draw this line?

Source: New York Post

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