They Just Released a Terrifying Nuclear Warning

While the United States has been focused on the Israel-Hamas conflict that initially started on October 7, Russia and China continue to expand their nuclear threat. Recently, China issued another chilling nuclear warning against the US.

The United States is facing a grave threat as China and Russia both expand their nuclear capabilities. In response, the Congressional Commission on the Strategic Posture of the United States released a 145-page report on Thursday.

This bipartisan report assesses a potential simultaneous conflict against Moscow and Beijing, warning that America is “ill-prepared” for such an eventuality unless immediate action is taken. It is clear that America needs to take decisive steps now if we are going to protect ourselves from this growing threat.

In light of the new report, Global Times—the official publication of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)—published an article expressing its displeasure with American intentions. The article seemed to suggest that any effort by Washington to adopt even small sections of this document would be disastrous for world peace and ultimately backfire on the U.S itself.

It also warned that “those who play with fire will perish by it” as a way to caution American leaders against taking any aggressive steps forward in this situation.

China’s response serves as a reminder that time may not be on our side; due to their military advancements, they may reach nuclear parity with us in just over ten years. We must act soon before it’s too late or else risk dire consequences down the line.

To this end, it is important for American leaders to alter our strategic posture in order accelerate military modernization efforts—this should include modernizing our aging nuclear weapons arsenal while simultaneously adding more stockpiles if necessary. We cannot wait until it’s too late; only through proactive measures can we guarantee safety for ourselves and others around us.

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