
Custody Coming For More Than A Million Illegal Migrants

The mainstream network media is afraid to tell more than a million migrants wandering loose across America that the law says they’re supposed to be in custody. Handlers for Joe Biden aren’t making plans to build tent city FEMA encampments and nobody is talking about penning them up in our mothballed prisons. All of those options, along with the opposite extreme of just giving them all amnesty and be done with it, are on the table, though. A federal judge in Florida just changed the whole game. He put an automatic one week hold on his order so the inevitable appeal can be filed but the writing is on the wall in flashing neon letters.

Keep migrants in custody

Every single migrant applying for amnesty is required by law to remain in custody. From the moment they cross the border until they get final approval to come in. If they don’t get approved, they get deported. That’s what U.S. District Judge T. Kent Wetherell ruled in a scathing and controversial decision this week. No matter what they think, Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas can’t rewrite immigration law on their own authority.

The way liberals read the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, they think it allows them to “let in infinite numbers of illegal immigrants.” Nope. They need to get out their Hooked on Phonics flash-cards and learn to read the big words.

According to MSN, Judge Wetherell ruled “that Biden’s immigration parole program is illegal, which is going to create huge headaches for Biden as his entire post-Title 42 immigration plan rests on that expansive view of the parole power.

They went wild with “alternatives” to custody which were dreamed up out of thin air with no legal basis in reality. Another thing the media won’t report, the judge made a big deal about how the border was secure until Joe came along.

The border was completely secure both before the pandemic began and then also when Biden was sworn into office.” Official government data clearly shows “that in the three months before the COVID-19 pandemic (January through March 2020), about 25,000 aliens per month were being apprehended at the Southwest Border.” They were all kept safely in custody through processing.

It all changed in January 2021. “Apprehensions returned to their pre-pandemic levels in February 2021 and increased dramatically thereafter. By July 2021, monthly apprehensions reached 100,000, and for the most part, they have stayed at or above that level since then.

A meaningless line in the sand

Without custody, we have anarchy and chaos. “The Court finds in favor of Florida because, as detailed below, the evidence establishes that Defendants have effectively turned the Southwest Border into a meaningless line in the sand and little more than a speedbump for aliens flooding into the country.

Biden did it “by prioritizing ‘alternatives to detention‘ over actual detention and by releasing more than a million aliens into the country—on ‘parole‘ or pursuant to the exercise of ‘prosecutorial discretion‘ under a wholly inapplicable statute—without even initiating removal proceedings.

As the court explained, Biden’s catch-and-release policies quickly overwhelmed Border Patrol’s ability to process illegal immigrants into the country.

Instead of holding millions in custody, “immigrants are given an alien registration number, but they are not given a Notice to Appear document, which also serves as the beginning of the deportation process. Regional ICE offices are then supposed to process the illegal immigrants and issue their Notice to Appear documents.” Someday, maybe. Ankle bracelets and cell phone tracking don’t count either.

Even MSN understands that the law says custody and does not provide any alternatives to detention. “This is a made-up illegal program. Of course, the rest of the system isn’t designed to handle Biden’s illegal actions.” The foot dragging can continue eternally.

Once “a migrant is issued a Notice to Appear by an ICE office, that is just the beginning of the deportation process, during which time immigrants will assert asylum as a defense against deportation. The actual asylum determination will take another five years, and most immigrants lose their cases or stop showing up to court.

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