
Conservatives FED UP, Taking Extreme Measures

A number of conservative eastern Oregon counties have an interest in getting away from the liberals in the city that controls the purse strings.  The Greater Idaho Movement could go nationwide, becoming a blueprint for conversative communities to leave liberal control.  There are allies in both states on this. The leader, Mike McCarter, has introduced legislation that would start talks on moving the border.

Oregon has conservatives

That are fed up with the progressive policies coming out of their urban areas.  Officials in Portland, OR recently voted to decriminalize hard drugs in 2020 so there are homeless camps lining the streets.

The contrast between the city and the rural areas is stark.  There are tough ranchers, loggers and sawmill workers with the local folk having more in common with traditional Idaho.

Eastern Oregon could reshape state lines

McCarter is among those who don’t want or need the government to cater to them. He’s a retired nursery worker who runs a course for those want a concealed carry permit.

“Our movement is based on values.  You know, the traditional values of faith, family, freedom, and independence.  We don’t want to be catered to by the government. In other words, if my power goes down, I have generator, I have water, everything … food storage.’

Western Oregon has more Democrats

Eastern and central want to move away from the tax burdens, officials that are soft on crime and the threat of COVID lockdowns.  McCarter knows that it will be a tough sell.  The legislators won’t easily give up 400,000 people, maybe as many as 15 counties and 63% of the land without a fight.

But there would be benefits for the counties left behind.  Currently the east subsidizes the west by about $500 per person per year.  McCarter explained there would be less fighting.  The legislature could accomplish more.  “So if Oregon, let Eastern Oregon go, they would be much richer right on their side.  They would not have the conflict and the bickering battle that goes back and forth.’

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