He Saw An Accident Victim On The Side Of The Road, What He Did Has People Calling For His Head…

A woman who had just experienced a car accident faced even more hardship as a man who claimed to come to her aid chose to take advantage of the situation.

Kimberly Smith had been driving on Highway 114 in Irving, Texas when she was cut off by another vehicle, causing her to drive off the road and her vehicle to flip three times, landing on its roof.

Luckily, Smith was able to free herself from her vehicle and that was when a “tall, skinny black male” approached her. “He was walking up and asking if I was okay and asking if I needed help,” she said.

Police were told by Smith that the man had brought her purse to her before returning back to his truck claiming he was going to call for help.

However, he did the exact opposite, fleeing the scene with her wallet in hand.

Kimberly’s brother took to Facebook to share the unfortunate story.

“Some guy stop to help her,” Joshua wrote. “Even found her purse and brought it over to her. She was still dazed and confused from the accident and he said he was gonna go get his cell to call 911.”

“She begged him to just stay with her. He said don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.”

“He gets in his truck and takes off. With her wallet. All her credit cards. Id’s. Everything. And all this happened after she was trapped upside down and NOBODY stopped to help her. What the hell is wrong with this world!?”

Thankfully, someone eventually did stop and call 911, waiting with Kimberly until the emergency services arrived.

Smith was rushed to the hospital for treatment following the accident and has been recovering well since.



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