The brilliant legal mind that is Hillary Clinton was given a deep bruise to her ego this week.
Hillary joined her daughter for a new Apple TV series.
The other guest was none other than Kim Kardashian.
They played a game of legal trivia, and guess who came out on top?
Are You Kidding?
Kardashian just passed the baby bar last year, on her third try.
I am not saying that to knock here by any means, just pointing out that the test is no joke and very difficult.
It is all the more impressive that Kardashian beat Hillary 11-4 in the trivia game on criminal law questions.
Hilary described the loss as “heartbreaking,” and her daughter blamed it on Hillary not being able to hit the buzzer quick enough.
Or, maybe, just maybe, Hillary is as dumb as a box of rocks and a scam artist.
Yeah, I think I will go with the latter option.
Congrats, Kim, enjoy this win and while I would never subscribe to anything Clinton, I have a feeling I will be watching that episode just to see you skunk Hillary and prove to the world how much of a fraud she really is.
Source: Fox News