MYSTERIOUS Trend of Food Processing Plants Exploding…What’s Going On?

There has been an abnormal number of fires have occurred at food processing plants in the span of this year.

And it seems that these fires have become more and more frequent following Joe Biden’s announcement that the food shortages are “Gonna be Real.” This new trend is one that most people find weird already, some even suggested it’s all engineered – by who? We don’t know yet, is it all Coincidence? I don’t think so.

These fires have been drawing a lot of attention lately on social media, Twitter, in particular. And while some of the food processing plants have been able to bounce back, others have been stuck trying to rebuild and resume distribution of goods, and some have been left with no choice but to lay off employees.

Fact: In the last several months, there have been 18 Food Processing Plants Have Burned Down

Food processing plants in San Antonio, TX, Lackawanna County, PA, St. Clair County, IL, Salinas, CA, El Paso, TX, and more have experienced an explosive fire in the last several months. These incidents have made the headlines in local news, however barely any nationwide news outlets have been broadcasting them to question what exactly is going on.

A specific example of these processing plant fires includes a recent explosion occurring at Shearer’s Foods in Hermiston, Oregon, an “award-winning private brand and contract manufacturer” that makes various types of snacks. The population of the town is only 20,000 people, and this processing plant was one of the largest employers in the area.

This location is the only Shearer’s location on the West Coast. Thankfully no one was killed during the fire however, there were seven workers in the building at the time who had to be taken to a nearby hospital to be treated for injuries.

Once again, we have yet to hear an explanation about why this explosion happened. The mainstream media continues to remain silent, not offering any time or consideration to report on these strange coincidences.

Meanwhile, Biden blames these shortages on sanctions due to the Ukraine and Russia war, but Twitter users aren’t buying it.

Tucker Carlson is one of the only journalists talking about this occurrence. He interviewed Jason Rantz on his Fox News show to reveal the news of these destructive fires. He even pointed out that a plane crashed into a food processing plant.

This is what Carlson said:

“So, industrial accidents happen, of course. But this is a lot of industrial accidents at food processing facilities at the same time the president is warning us about food shortages.”

Rantz stated:

“Obviously, when something happens every so often, you obviously hope that there is no significant damage and certainly that no one gets hurt, but you kind of write it off, it’s not that big of a deal, accidents happen. But when you’ve got well over a dozen food processing plants and warehouses getting destroyed or seriously damaged over just the last few weeks at a time when the food supply is already vulnerable, it’s obviously going to be suspicious, and it could lead to serious food shortages.”

Evie Magazine commented further:

Not to set off the conspiracy theory sirens, but there are a lot of people who are speculating whether this is all planned. After all, this many food processing plants just blowing up out of nowhere is statistically impossible.

At the very least, people are questioning why we’re not talking about this very strange series of events.

Some people are tying this to Bill Gates buying out a ton of farmland across the country, but it’s nothing more than speculation to say that these two things are related.

Whatever the case may be, it’s being questioned more and more, and we have yet to hear a reasonable explanation.

Source: Eviemagazine


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