Some organizations are threatened by the adult in the room. It makes the rest of them look bad. But being fired might not be enough for the females on The View. Peter Doocy wasn’t bothered by Biden calling him an SOB. Doocy just wants to move on. Joy Behar can call Doocy’s questions “stupid” all she wants but Doocy has a sense of humor and understands what’s going on. ABC may need viewers.
The adult understands
Joy Behar on The View may be trying to drum up more to this than what is actually there. She thinks that because Doocy didn’t play the victim and that his life was threatened he didn’t behave correctly.
BEHAR: I think he’s going to lose his job at Fox now that he’s apologized.
HOSTIN: No, no. I mean the President apologized.
BEHAR: No, I’m talking about Doocy rather. He said – I’m sorry I misspoke. Doocy says, “It’s good. I’m thankful that Biden apologized.” And he’s not clutching his pearls and yelling about it. And he’ll be fired pretty soon.
The adult journalist
Is happy Biden talked at all. Jim Acosta on CNN is more likely to fall apart. That may be the behavior Joy expects.
She mocked Doocy recently, calling him, “Douchey.” Co-host Whoopi Goldberg bragged that Biden “history of calling things out like he sees them. And yesterday he did just that”. The more insults the better.
The adult doesn’t see the need to insult
Doocy brushed it off but Goldberg said he has it coming. “Can sometimes people just give it to you the way you should get it back or shouldn’t get it back?”
The courteous person in the room dared to speak. Former co-host Lisa Ling thought Biden should apologize. “He name called. And I just think, as a mom to young kids, these are the people who should be setting examples for our kids. Yet more examples of men behaving badly and mothers eventually having to clean it up because it’s giving license to kids.”
The View needs another adult
Ling got tarred and feathered for that until co-host Sunny Hostin replied, “But, what I appreciate is that he called and he apologized. That’s something that we would have never heard the former, twice impeached, disgraced president of this country do.”
But Ling persisted. Goldberg essentially said her opinion counted instead. She said Biden’s response was “human” against Doocy’s “endless stupid questions”. She finished with, “And I think that, for me, is the representation of what a human being, as president, should be.”