
Bombshell Lawsuit: ‘Worried’ Prince Andrew in Crisis Talks

A really worried Prince Andrew has gone into “crisis mode” now that he’s been officially charged with sexual assault, bashing his legal team for their “strategy of silence” which he calls “shambolic.” That really is a word and his defense case truly is in a “chaotic, disorganized, or mismanaged” shambles.

Andrew comes unglued

Reports from across the pond say that Prince Andrew is “stressed” and “worried.” He should be. The royal and his advisors are said to be “holding crisis talks about whether he should fire his legal team for its ‘shambolic’ strategy of silence.”

The Prince “had wanted to forcefully deny the allegations” against him in a New York lawsuit filed by Virginia Roberts Giuffre but his lawyers wouldn’t let him.

Andrew is terrified that “the wall of silence and policy of evasion only adds to the impression” he has “something to hide.” One of his friends leaked to the press.

“The plan, if you can call it a plan, has been shambolic from the start. He is extremely worried and the crisis talks are so he can get off the back foot. He knows he’s in a full-on crisis.”

It doesn’t help that the Duke has his face plastered on billboards “with the word ‘WANTED'” all across England. Ms. Giuffre “has alleged that she was forced to have sex with Andrew three times, starting when she was 17.”

She was allegedly pimped out by Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. The general consensus is that the pair were running a classic “badger game” blackmail scheme to trap all the movers and shakers in their perverted web of pedophilia. Apparently, the prince fell into their trap. Hard.

Charged with rape

According to the new complaint, Andrew committed “sexual offenses” like “first- and third-degree rape.” To the public, it looks like he’s been “playing a “game of a hide and seek behind palace walls,” intentionally ducking the court papers.

The attorneys still swear up and down that the “2009 settlement Giuffre struck could get him off the hook” without him opening his mouth. The British Royal Palace doesn’t see it that way.

Palace officials are “more than concerned” at the lack of a public statement from Andrew. Everyone’s job and cushy position in life is jeopardized by the scandal.


The Queen thinks it “has wider reputational implications for the institution of the monarchy.” Plus she’s totally disgusted that her son the pervert let Ghislaine Maxwell and Kevin Spacey sit on the Royal Thrones for a snapshot.

“The damage to his reputation is there for all to see, but now he’s feeling the pressure from his family,” a source claims. Andrew “has reportedly fled several times with his ex-wife Sarah Ferguson in an attempt to dodge lawyers attempting to serve him court papers.” The friend says the “whole thing’s a disaster.”

Gary Bloxsome, a partner at UK law firm Blackfords, was a lot more concerned about fending off the FBI and dropped the ball on Giuffre. Now he’s sweating the loss of a powerful and lucrative client. The Prince isn’t sweating though, no matter how bad things get. He’s officially on the record saying he has a medical condition which prevents it. It’s part of his proof that he didn’t screw Giuffre. The picture of him with her is also a fake, he claims, because he “isn’t a hugger.”

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