
Video: 46 Mins of Joe Biden Talking Gibberish

Everybody knows that the run up to general elections gets more than a little strange. That’s why they call it the “silly season.” This one’s a little sillier than most. Well, this Joe Biden video is. The GOP patched together 46 minutes worth of video clips showing Joe Biden uttering complete gibberish.

Biden needs prompting on his own name

Conservatives are laughing all over the internet. Democrats are terrified that Joe Biden will end up being forced to go head to head with Donald Trump in a debate before the election. Creepy Joe’s handlers would much prefer keeping him in his basement and off the airwaves.

This GOP video underscores it would be a battle of wits with an unarmed man. As the Republicans point out, he needs an intern to scream “your name is Joe Biden” from off camera. The Democrat’s best chance for the future “can barely form sentences or remember simple facts like where he is or what happened to his pants,” Louder With Crowder writes.

Democrats are hallucinating if they believe they can keep Biden from at least one solid debate. They know that President Donald Trump will eat his lunch and they’re scrambling to find a way around it. They know he’ll probably promise to fund terrorism again.

All the criticisms concerning senility

People used to say sarcastically that Biden would find a way not to debate. Now they mean it. Even the New York Times is floating the idea. All of a sudden, the voting public, even the Democrats who generally drink the party Kool-Aid, are wondering about “all the criticisms concerning senility, dementia.”

Progressive socialists are grateful to the GOP video in a way, because putting the spotlight on Joe’s senility, it distracts people from talking about that spray bottle they have to carry around to keep him from groping anyone he gets his hands on. Even Pete Buttigieg got a little uncomfortable when Biden groped him back in March.

Then, there’s that whole Ukrainian Quid Pro Quo scheme and all the recent bribery to call off the investigation into it. Joe’s son Hunter Biden was given a really well paying job doing next to nothing for a Ukraine energy company, despite being an admitted alcoholic crack-head.

  1. Can you imagine the “press” that any Republican would get if they said or did any one of the things that gibberating Buffoon Biden did?

  2. If this is a gimmick to have the enemy(GOP) pile on, then the Dems will _Trumpet” those ” heartless Republicans” and attempt to use ” Pity” and misinformation to get those who can’t or don’t read or listen to any{NE} pluses or minuses concerning the candidates. Plus, if that is the story, the public ridicule and humiliation directed at NE man, is only employed by tyrants and dictators.

  3. SAD!!!!


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