
Maxwell Bombshell Documents Released…Here is What We Know So Far

Some kinky details of Ghislaine Maxwell’s sex life surfaced Friday after the Defendant’s lawyers lost a last-ditch appeal. Federal Judge Loretta Preska unsealed “large sections of over 80 documents from a 2015 civil defamation lawsuit.” Virginia Giuffre Roberts claims she was kept as a “sex slave” and the documents back that up. The release of a second and possibly even more scandalous deposition was delayed until Monday, while lawyers continue to fight over it.

Stunning Maxwell related evidence

It will take a while to sort through the 80 separate documents Judge Loretta Preska just released, but the first thing that grabbed everyone’s attention was a deposition from a 2015 civil defamation lawsuit against the perverted female pedophile. The startling interview details how she was initially recruited by Ghislaine, and describes explicit specifics of subsequent abuse at the hands of Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and others.

The public already knew that Epstein liked to “make her dress up as a schoolgirl complete with short skirt, school tie, stockings and pigtails,” but now we know specifics of what happened the first time they met. Virginia’s recruiter, Ghislaine, turned out to be a “hands on” kind of instructor and now we know why Epstein and Maxwell are often described as “two pedophiles in a pod.” Ghislaine “trained me as a sex slave. I’m trying to tell you that they both did, Ghislaine and Jeffrey both directed me. They both paid me and they both directed me.”

To the 15-year-old girl, seeing Jeffrey Epstein “laying naked on top of a massage table” was “weird,” but for the first hour it was a real massage, as expected, until he rolled over. That’s when Maxwell got into the act. “So then Ghislaine told me that she wanted me to undress and began to take off my my shirt and skirt, my white uniform from Mar-a-Lago. She also took off her shirt and got undressed and so I was there with just my undies on and she was completely bare.” Ghislaine observed that her panties weren’t “that sexy.”

Giuffre was uncomfortable with the situation but she knew she allowed herself to get into it, and also wanted a professional career and recognized they were powerful people. “I was expected to lick his nipples,” and Epstein “instructed” her “on how to do so.” She also was asked to “give him oral sex while he wanted me to fondle him.” In the end, she was told by Maxwell to “get on top and straddle Jeffrey sexually.” They ended up in the shower together.

Ghislaine really likes little girls

The deposition also reveals that “Maxwell had sexual contact with young females.” Lot’s of contact. When asked about it, Giuffre replied, “there’s so many, I don’t know where you want me to start.” It really was an orgy island, with indoor-outdoor fornication twenty-four hours a day.

One pool party stood out particularly in her mind. “Models were… I think they were models… were flown in. There were orgies held outside by the pool. There were blonds, there were brunettes, there were redheads. They were all beautiful girls. I would say the ages range from 15 to 21.” She also testified that “she saw Maxwell partaking in sex with other females ‘100 percent.'” They weren’t old enough to be called women she specified.

Virginia spent years with Epstein and Maxwell as part of their trusted inner circle, and claims she was passed around to world leaders and business men like Prince Andrew and attorney Allan Dershowitz. She saw Bill Clinton running loose on the island, but nothing in testimony released so far indicates he had sex with anyone while there. The release of more documents is being fiercely contested.

  1. Whaaaaat???? Are you serious??? And next you’re gonna tell me that Epstein committed suicide. Then that instead of the 4 rides in the Lolita Express, there were actually 27??? Nahhhh don’t believe a word of it. I think I’ll recommend that Comey,
    Strozk, Page, McCabe, Hilary and a few other stalwarts in the legal circle, to get to the bottom of this, since thats where they live This will quickly ” Go Away”

  2. Only way to end the speculations is to make a deal with the fixer and release the tape for the usual suspects to be exposed and proscecuted!

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