
Shocking Verdict For Mar-a-Lago Trespasser

A jury in West Palm Beach, Florida, delivered a shocking not guilty verdict on Wednesday in the case of a Chinese woman snooping around at President Donald Trump’s “Winter White House.” Lu Jing was arrested in mid-December for trespassing at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort and resisting arrest. The jury let her slide on the trespassing charge but still found her guilty of resisting arrest.

Jury delivers shocking verdict

On December 19, 2019, 56-year-old Lu Jing was acting suspiciously like a spy, unlawfully entering a restricted zone at Mar-a-Lago and snapping photos. As soon as security spotted Jing, they asked her to leave. She came back and continued taking photos. That’s when Palm Beach Police showed up.

Prosecutors argued that Jing intruded in a “calculated and planned manner.” After being warned by security, she came back. Not through the front door, but through a service entrance. She kept taking pictures. Government lawyers asserted that her claim of being an innocent tourist “makes no sense.” She knew, they declared, she was “in a place where she’s unlawfully allowed to be.” When security went after her a second time, she ran.

Through a Mandarin interpreter, Jing claimed she paid $200 for a Chinese guide to drop her off “at various locations, starting in Miami.” Her guide didn’t stick around, “because you’re not allowed to leave your vehicle there.”

The two-day trial, in the West Palm Beach 15th Judicial Circuit, ended Wednesday. The jury made their shocking decision after kicking it around for about an hour and a half. In the end, they believed Jing’s story about not knowing any English and gave her the benefit of the doubt. She’s expected to be sentenced Friday for resisting arrest and could get up to a year in jail and a $1,000 fine.

Second Chinese spy casing Mar-a-Lago

This is the second Chinese trespasser caught photographing the grounds. Yujing Zhang was caught studying Mar-a-Lago last March. In November, she was declared guilty and sentenced to federal prison for eight months. Zhang was caught with “a flash drive containing malware and had a signal detector, other electronic devices and thousands of dollars in cash in her hotel room,” CNN reported.

There was no doubt that Zhang was spying. Zhang lied to Secret Service agents about why she was there. The FBI pulled data from her phone revealing “messages from an individual from Zhang’s native China warning her not to go.” The event she planed attending as part of her mission had been canceled. She was warned she would stand out like a sore thumb and she did.

The jury in Lu Jing’s case may have given her a free pass on the snooping charges but thankfully, our security professionals were on the ball enough to prevent her from getting into more secure parts of the grounds. President Trump remains one of Xi Jinping’s greatest threats. After George Soros, that is. George may be behind that nasty Wuhan Coronavirus leak.

  1. Why are spies, muslims intent on changing our culture and more importantly, our religion and illegals who also have an agenda which is not in our favor in America, always giving every break in the country. There has to be hundreds of thousands out there who feel like myself. I find this so strange that it is like something out of the Twilight Zone.

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